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Actiunile sunt mai graitoare decat cuvintele»»»
Thomson, Rosemary
Asistenta psiho-sociala a persoanelor infectate cu HIV/SIDA»»»
Rijicova, Svetlana
Bovarismul institutional si reforma romaneasca»»»
Buzarnescu, Stefan
Building brands via corporate social responsability»»»
Lindgreen, Adam
Maon, Francois
Vallaster, Christine
Competenta sociala : constructia sociala a conceptului»»»
Topping, Keith
Bremner, William
Holmes, Elisabeth A.
Cultura sexelor : optiunile si strategiile femeilor la locul de munca»»»
Maddock, Su
Parkin, Di
Deconstructing economic discourses on broadcast news»»»
Graham, Ciara
O'Rourke, Brendan
Determinism and the structure of social action»»»
Tudosescu, Ion
Enhancing micro and macro resilience by building on the improvements in the social safety net»»»
Furman, Jason
Exploring the gift-giving rituals of the new middle-class consumers in a muslim society»»»
Belbag, Aybegum Gungordu
From transactions to interactions : social considerations for digital money»»»
Ferreira, Jennifer
Perry, Mark
Housing market expectations»»»
Kuchler, Theresa
Piazzesi, Monika
Stroebel, Johannes
How to start an emotion-reflective journey»»»
Tietze, Kathrin
Individual, dar laolalta : cooperarea sociala si principiului diviziunii muncii»»»
Pana, Marius-Cristian
Introduction : we have the tools to reverse the rise in inequality»»»
Blanchard, Olivier
Rodrik, Dani
John S. Hecht. La vraie richesse des nations. (Esquisse d'une Nouvelle Civilisationet de ses Bases Economiques) : [recenzie]»»»
Iordachescu, V. Th.
Marketization in Poland : stories about changes in materialist and humanist life values»»»
Zerebecki, Bartosz G.
Opree, Suzanna J.
Matrice comunitara, fapt comunitar si nivel de informare in satul romanesc contemporan : investigatii in Muntii Apuseni : (1985-1986 si 1999-2000)»»»
Pascaru, Mihai
Monetary and fiscal policies in the United States»»»
Lee, Seohyun
Nivelurile de constientizare emotionala : perspectivele neurologica, psihologica si sociala»»»
Lane, Richard D.
O perspectiva sociologica asupra locuintei rurale din Romania»»»
Cernescu, Traila
Ordinea societala»»»
Dinga, Emil
Oua de ciocolata si Chester Barnard»»»
Mangham, Iain
Preia controlul : descopera puterea interioara si construieste relatii solide2023»»»
Hart, Joe
Crom, Michael A.
Skultety, Ludovic-Stefan
Realitatea sociologica a unei utopii contemporane : Romania»»»
Nadolu, Bogdan
Reorganizarea memoriei sociale in tranzitia postcomunista din Romania»»»
Chelcea, Septimiu
Social media si comunicarea organizationala»»»
Briciu, Victor-Alexandru
Vacaru, Alina-Ioana
Team selection»»»
Morgeson, Frederick P.
Humphrey, Stephen E.
Reeder, Matthew C.
The filter bubble in social media communication : how users evaluate personalized information in the Facebook newsfeed»»»
Klug, Katharina
Strang, Charlotte
The rhetorical situation and its problems : expanding the discursive elements of educational contexts, disability, and social movements»»»
Martinez, Diana Isabel
The silver economy : an ageing society in the European Union2024»»»
Niemczyk, Agata
Szalonka, Katarzyna
Gardocka-Jalowiec, Anna
Nowak, Wioletta
Seweryn, Renata
Grodek-Szostak, Zofia
The theatre of the classroom : a work in progress : how can I meet the needs of everyone in the class when I also have to deal with the pupils with problems?»»»
Crabtree, David
Unele aspecte privind etapele si conditiile negocierii»»»
Mecu, Dragos Gabriel
[Paul Pic. Trade-unionism-ul in Anglia si chestiunea sindicalista in Europa (In Revue economique internationale)] : [recenzie]»»»
Lazeanu, Mihail
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