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Aranjuez : change in a market-gardening community in Trinidad»»»
MacMillan, A. A.
Edwards, D. T.
Arguing with zombies : economics, politics, and the fight for a better future2020»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Asistenta financiara acordata de Uniunea Europeana tarilor in tranzitie»»»
Beuran, Monica
Asistenta financiara externa si capcana subdezvoltarii»»»
Staicu, Gabriel
Conclusions : is there a future for the Euro in the global economy?»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Roy, Joaquin
Conditionality, dependence and coordination : three current debates in aid policy»»»
Collier, Paul
Consiliul de Asistenta Economica Mutuala»»»
Stoican, Vasile I.
- Descriere: An 2, nr. 1, Ian-Mar 1949, p. 61-63
- ISBN: -
Cooperation between developed and developing countries in the establishment of a new international economic order»»»
Jovanovski, Tihomir
Cooperation between the banks from the developed and the banks from the developing countries»»»
Smole, Janko
Dead aid : why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa2010»»»
Moyo, Dambisa
Ferguson, Niall
Development assistance and cooperation among developing countries»»»
Al-Sagban, Abdul Aal
Economie internationala2001»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Pistol, Luminita
Gurgu, Elena
Economie internationala [Vol.] 1 - [Vol.] 2»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Pistol, Luminita
Gurgu, Elena
Economie internationala [Vol.] 2 Relatii economice internationale2001»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Pistol, Luminita
Gurgu, Elena
European public sources of funds for investment in developing nations»»»
Leroy, Norbert G.
Evaluation project of the means tested income transfer mechanisms in Romania»»»
Pop, Luana Miruna
Introduction : the making of the European field of development banking»»»
Mertens, Daniel
Thiemann, Matthias
Volberding, Peter
Man, economy, and state : a treatise on economic principles ; with Power and market : government and the economy2009»»»
Rothbard, Murray Newton
Salerno, Joseph T.
Modernitate si traditie in protectia copilului : perspectiva unei cercetari calitative»»»
Roth-Szamoskozi, Maria
Bereczki, Adina
Politica de reforma a serviciilor de sanatate in Romania dupa 1989 : cadru, actori, proces si continut»»»
Vladescu, Cristian
Politica sociala si sistemul protectiei sociale in Romania»»»
Marginean, Ioan
Poor economics : a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty2020»»»
Banerjee, Abhijit Vinayak
Duflo, Esther
Population, living standards and well-being, 1949-1989»»»
van Leeuwen, Bas
Foldvari, Peter
Recycling of surplus oil funds and needed assistance to developing countries»»»
Ojo, Joshua Ade T.
Repercussions of the development of new collective needs in the United States»»»
Scott, Ira O.
Tinbergen, Jan
Role and place of developing countries' central banks under present-day conditions»»»
Trifunovic, Predrag
Sectorul public al sanatatii in Romania : de la sistemul medical comunist la politicile de reforma ale tranzitiei»»»
Valcu, Val
Some legal considerations of financing in Latin America»»»
Parreno, Albert J.
Starea de sanatate a populatiei in perspectiva istorica si sociologica»»»
Precupetu, Iuliana
Pop, Cosmina Elena
The Agency for International Development»»»
Grant, Leslie A.
The implications of foreign aid fungibility for development assistance»»»
Devarajan, Shantayanan
Swaroop, Vinya
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