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A reexamination of the over- (or under-) pricing deposit insurance2001»»»
Pennacchi, George G.
A simple approach to better deposit insurance pricing2001»»»
Kendall, Sarah B.
Levonian, Mark E.
Adoptation and design of deposit insurance2008»»»
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Kane, Edward J.
Laeven, Luc
Alternative forms of deposit insurance : pricing and bank incentive issues2001»»»
Pennacchi, George G.
An analytic derivation of the cost of deposit insurance an loan guarantees : an application of modern option pricing theory2001»»»
Merton, Robert C.
An empirical test of the incentive effects of deposit insurance : the case of junk bonds at savings and loan associations2001»»»
Brewer, Elijah
Modschean, Thomas H.
Appereance and reality in deposit insurance : the case for reform2001»»»
Kane, Edward J.
Banci, burse si profit pe piata financiara : (institutii si fonduri financiare)2007»»»
Ungureanu, Pavel V.
Bank runs and moral hazard : a review of deposit insurance»»»
Anginer, Deniz
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Banking theory deposit insurance, and banking regulation2001»»»
Diamond, Douglas Warren
Dybvig, Philip H.
Banking with and without deposit insurance : Mexico's banking experiments 1884-20042008»»»
Haber, Stephen H.
Commercial bank financial management : in the financial-services industry2002»»»
Sinkey, Joseph F., Jr.
Cross-border banking : challenges for deposit insurance and financial stability in the European Union2008»»»
Eisenbeis, Robert A.
Kaufman, George G.
Deposit insurance2012»»»
Eisenbeis, Robert A.
Kaufman, George G.
Deposit insurance : actual and good practices2000»»»
Garcia, Gillian G. H.
Deposit insurance and bank failure resolution : cross-country evidence2008»»»
Beck, Thorsten
Laeven, Luc
Deposit insurance and international banking regulation2003»»»
Okeahalam, C. Charles
Deposit insurance and regulatory forbearance : are caps on insured deposits optimal?2001»»»
Dreyfus, Jean-Francois
Saunders, Anthony
Allen, Linda
Deposit insurance around the world : a comprehensive database2008»»»
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Kane, Edward J.
Laeven, Luc
Karacaovali, Baybars
Deposit insurance around the world : issues of design and implementation2008»»»
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Kane, Edward J.
Laeven, Luc
Deposit insurance design and implementation : policy lessons from research and practice2008»»»
Demirguc-Kunt, Asli
Kane, Edward J.
Laeven, Luc
Deposit insurance reform : a functional approach : a comment2001»»»
Benston, George G.
Kaufman, George G.
Deposit insurance reform : a functional approach : a comment2001»»»
Flannery, Mark J.
Deposit insurance reform in Japan : better late than never?2001»»»
Hall, Maximilian J. B.
Deposit insurance reform in Russia2008»»»
Camara, Mobido
Montes-Negret, Fernando
Deposit insurance reform: a functional approach2001»»»
Merton, Robert C.
Bodie, Zvi
Deposit insurance reform: what are the issues and what needs to be fixed?2001»»»
Berlin, Mitchell
Saunders, Anthony
Udell, Gregory F.
Deposit insurance, banking resolutions and moral hazard : considerations in system design2009»»»
Krimminger, Michael
Deposit overinsurance in EU accesion Countries2008»»»
Nenovsky, Nikolay
Dimitrova, Kalina
Deposit protection and bank resolution2015»»»
Kleftouri, Nikoletta
European Banking Union : the new regime2015»»»
Hinojosa-Martinez, Luis M.
Beneyto, Jose Maria
FDICIA after five years2001»»»
Benston, George G.
Kaufman, George G.
Fairly deposit insurance and bank charter policy2001»»»
Craine, Roger
Federal deposit insurance, regulatory policy, and optimal bank capital2001»»»
Buser, Stephen A.
Chen, Andrew H.
Kane, Edward J.
Fixed-rate deposit insurance and risk shifting behavior at commercial banks2001»»»
Duan, Jun-Chuan
Moreau, Arthur F.
Sealey, C. W.
Forbearance and valuation of deposit insurance as a callable put2001»»»
Allen, Linda
Saunders, Anthony
Interest-risk deposit insurance premia : stable ACH estimates2001»»»
McCulloch, J. Huston
Is fairly priced deposit insurance possible?2001»»»
Chan, Yuk-shee
Greenbaum, Stuart I.
Thakor, Anjan
La garantie des depots et le risque bancaire : une analyse en termes d'incitations2006»»»
Nechita, Radu
Lesson from the US experience with deposit insurance2008»»»
Kroszner, Randall S.
Melick, William
Management bancar2023»»»
Capraru, Bogdan
Moneda, banci, credit2005»»»
Tudorache, Dumitru
Pirjol, Toader
On the cost of deposit insurance when there are surveillance costs2001»»»
Merton, Robert C.
Optimal bank reorganization policies and the pricing of federal deposit insurance2001»»»
Acharya, Sankarshan
Dreyfus, Jean-Francois
Pricing deposit insurance when the insurer measures bank risk with error2001»»»
Flannery, Mark J.
Pricing of deposit insurance2008»»»
Laeven, Luc
Pricing risk-adjusted deposit insurance : an option-based model2001»»»
Ronn, Ehud I.
Verma, Avinash K.
Protecting depositors in China : experience and evolving2008»»»
Honohan, Patrick
Regimul juridic al Bancii Nationale a Romaniei de la infiintare pana in prezent2022»»»
Dumitrescu-Pasecinic, Adrian
Paunescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Bercea, Lucian
Risk-based capital and deposit insurance reform2001»»»
Avery, Robert B.
Berger, Allen
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