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Activitatea bancara si integrarea monetara europeana2013»»»
Cocris, Vasile
Sireteanu, Elena
Andries, Alin-Marius
Central bank communication : how to manage expectations?»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Sturm, Jan-Egbert
Central bank communications : a case study»»»
Davis, J. Scott
Wynne, Mark A.
Central banks and coded language : risks and benefits2011»»»
Muchlinski, Elke
Crafting consensus : why central bankers change their speech and how speech changes the economy2020»»»
Baerg, Nicole
Designing central banks2009»»»
Mayes, David G.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
Euro area monetary policy in uncharted waters2010»»»
Cihak, Martin
Harjes, Thomas
Stavrev, Emil
Governance and monetary policy decision-making at the ECB2010»»»
Stella, Peter
Vandenbussche, Jerome
Governor’s public appearance in 2015 = Daljet ne publik te Guvernatorit per vitin 2015[2016]»»»
Governor’s public appearance in 2019 = Daljet ne publik te Guvernatorit per vitin 2019[2020]»»»
Inflation differentials in the euro area : a survey2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
The ECB's monetary analysis revisited2010»»»
Berger, Helge
Harjes, Thomas
Stavrev, Emil
The ECB, financial supervision, and financial srability management2010»»»
Schoenmaker, Dirk
The European Central Bank at ten2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Berger, Helge
The Oxford handbook of the economics of central banking2019»»»
Mayes, David G.
Siklos, Pierre L.
Sturm, Jan-Egbert
The communication policy of the European Central Bank : an overview of the first decade2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Jansen, David-Jan
The long journey of central bank communication2019»»»
Issing, Otmar
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