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Banca Nationala a Romaniei in timpul crizei : politica de credit : nivelul dobanzilor : sedinta din 14 Aprilie 1937»»»
Draganescu-Brates, Petru
Dumitrescu, Stefan I.
Galan, A. Gh.
Stoenescu, Radu
Protopopescu, Vasile V.
Bancile de Emisiune si colaborarea economica in Balcani»»»
Ioachim, V. M.
Banking on the euro : 9th Frankfurt European Banking Congress, November 19, 19991999»»»
Centres and peripheries in banking : the historical development of financial markets2016»»»
Cottrell, Philip L.
Lange, Even
Olsson, Ulf
Fraser, Iain L.
Pohle Fraser, Monika
Current legal issues affecting central banks1992-1995»»»
Effros, Robert C.
Current legal issues affecting central banks Vol. 11992»»»
Effros, Robert C.
Current legal issues affecting central banks Vol. 1 - Vol. 3»»»
Effros, Robert C.
Current legal issues affecting central banks Vol. 21994»»»
Effros, Robert C.
Current legal issues affecting central banks Vol. 31995»»»
Effros, Robert C.
Europe convening : 12th Frankfurt European Banking Congress, November 22, 20022002»»»
Europe tall order : 8th Frankfurt European Banking Congress, November 20, 19981998»»»
Europe's renaissance :10th Frankfurt European Banking Congress, November 17, 20002000»»»
Governance, regulation and bank stability2014»»»
Lindblom, Ted
Sjogren, Stefan
Willesson, Magnus
History of the eighties : lessons for the future1997»»»
Hove, Andrew C., Jr.
History of the eighties : lessons for the future Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Hove, Andrew C., Jr.
History of the eighties : lessons for the future Vol. 1 An examination of the banking crises of the 1980s and early 1990s1997»»»
Hove, Andrew C., Jr.
History of the eighties : lessons for the future Vol. 2 Symposium proceedings, January 16, 19971997»»»
Hove, Andrew C., Jr.
Identify Europe : 13th Frankfurt European Banking Congress, November 21, 20032003»»»
Monetary policy over fifty years : experiences and lessons2013»»»
Hermann, Heinz
Monetary policy over fifty years : experiences and lessons2009»»»
Money and banking in Albania, from Antiquity to modern times : The First Conference of the Museum of the Bank of Albania Proceedings, 14-15 June 20172018»»»
Problema creditului taranesc si refacerea cooperatiei de credit»»»
Galan, A. Gh.
Problemele viitoare ale bancilor noastre : conferenta tinuta la adunarea Solidaritatii din 22 iunie 1913 in Sebesul-sasesc1913»»»
Lapedatu, Ion I.
The capital needs of central banks2011»»»
Milton, Sue
Sinclair, Peter
The euro goes East : 11th Frankfurt European Banking Congress, November 23, 20012001»»»
Wladyslaw Grabski, Bank Polski SA i stabilizacja ekonomiczna kraju2014»»»
Goracy, Stanislaw
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