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A history of banks for savings in Great Britain and Ireland[1866]»»»
Lewins, William
A history of central banking in Great Britain and the United States2006»»»
Wood, John H.
Bancherii din Londra1939»»»
Arnold, Percy
Simon, Claude
Bancile engleze de depozit (joint stock banks) : istoric, organizare, fuzionari, crizele bancare1930»»»
Draganescu-Brates, Petru
Raducanu, Ion
Bank resolution and crisis management : law and practice2016»»»
Gleeson, Simon
Guynn, Randall
Bank-industry versus stock market-industry relationships2023»»»
Garcia-Ruiz, Jose Luis
Vasta, Michelangelo
Banking services in the United Kingdom: the law and practice report1994»»»
Jack, R. B.
Banques anglaises et usages de banque en Angleterre[1892]»»»
Lecoffre, A.
Britain's choice : key to the future of the euro»»»
Britain's invisible earnings : the report of the Committee on Invisible Exports1968»»»
Clarke, William
Bland, Thomas
Consumer credit fundamentals2005»»»
Finlay, Steven
Das englische Bankwesen1910»»»
Jaffe, Edgar
Die englisch-amerikanischen Geldmarktbeziehungen unter dem Goldstandard1936»»»
Hohlfeld, Hans Herbert
English banking methods : the practical operation of an English bank1926»»»
Minty, Leonard
Essai sur la fondation et l'histoire de la Banque d'Angleterre : (1694-1844) : these pour le doctorat (sciences politiques et economiques)1901»»»
Andreades, Andre
From crisis to crisis : the transformation of merchant banking, 1914-19392018»»»
O'Sullivan, Brian
Great Britain and the gold standard : a study of the present world depression1933»»»
Fraser, Herbert Freeman
Histoire financiere et economique de l'Angleterre (1066-1902) : tome second1912»»»
Martin, Etienne
Housing, credit and consumer expenditure»»»
Muellbauer, John N. J.
Ludvigson, Sydney
How the euro gives Britain a free ride : new research suggests Britain and other European countries that have not adopted the euro have nevertheless benefited from it nearly as much as insiders, without giving up policy autonomy»»»
In cadere libera : America, piata libera si prabusirea economiei mondiale2010»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Nistor, Smaranda
Nicolae, Crenguta
Introduction : a new banking structure»»»
Tamagna, Frank M.
Le controle du credit a court terme par la Banque d'Angleterre[1932]»»»
Herisson, Charles Daniel
Le retour a l'etalon-or : la politique monetaire de l'Angleterre : (1914-1926)1926»»»
Lacout, Georges
Les banques de depot en Angleterre avant, pendant et apres la guerre1927»»»
Orleans, Charles d'
Lords of Finance2010»»»
Ahamed, Liaquat
Making a modern central bank : The Bank of England : 1979-20032020»»»
James, Harold
Money and the citizen1943»»»
Robinson, W. Hedley
Regulating banks : the politics of instability2022»»»
Whitworth, Andrew
Regulations and policies relating to the Eurocurrency market»»»
Gilbert, Milton
McClam, Warren
Regulatory and other changes in the UK banking market1994»»»
Pigott, Hugh S.
Respectable banking : the search for stability in London's money and credit markets since 16952017»»»
Hotson, Anthony C.
The British banking system»»»
Page, John Brangwyn
The London money market1924»»»
Spalding, William Frederick
The Westminster Bank through a century1936»»»
Gregory, Theodor Emanuel Gugenheim
Henderson, Annette
The amalgamation movement in English banking : 1825-19241926»»»
Sykes, Joseph
The bankers of London1938»»»
Arnold, Percy
The banking system of the United Kingdom»»»
Butson, H. E.
The theory and history of banking1929»»»
Dunbar, Charles F.
The theory and practice of banking1892-1893»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The theory and practice of banking Volume 11892»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The theory and practice of banking Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
The theory and practice of banking Volume 21893»»»
Macleod, Henry Dunning
United Kingdom : data on and structure of the banking system»»»
Volume I1936»»»
Volume II1936»»»
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