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An uneasy start2011»»»
van Wijk, Hans
An update to the international guidelines2011»»»
Duchateau, Alain
Coins with history : collection of the Banco de Portugal2006-2009»»»
Mota Gomes, Cristina
Conclusions in a historical context2011»»»
Glaab, Hans-Peter
van de Ven, Peter
Empowerment in the CMFB2011»»»
Acx, Rudi
Enhancing the advisory role of CMFB in relation to the EDP2011»»»
Grice, Joe
Exemplifying the advisory role of the CMFB for EDP issues2011»»»
Lequiller, Francois
Radermacher, Walter
Schubert, Aurel
Further integration of the statistical work of the ESS and ESBC2011»»»
Rodriguez-Tenes, Eduardo
Future challenges of the CMFB in a more integrated Europe2011»»»
Lequiller, Francois
History of the Portuguese banking system[2007-]»»»
Cadete de Matos, Joao
New statistical requirements - pensions and government pension entitlements2011»»»
Mink, Reimund
Pioneering statistical cooperation at national level - the case of Austria2011»»»
Schubert, Aurel
Hille, Erich
Promoting excellence in european statistics : CMFB 20 years2011»»»
Revision and release policies: what should be done?2011»»»
Ziebarth, Gerhard
Statistical coverage by the CMFB2011»»»
Olsson, Carsten
Statistical requirements for EMU: the CMFB involvement2011»»»
Bull, Peter
Strategic policies and key main actions for the CMFB in 2011-20122011»»»
Cadete de Matos, Joao
Menezes, Paula
The Portuguese economy in the context of economic, financial and monetary integration2009»»»
The Statistical Office and Central Bank of Slovenia working together2011»»»
Hren, Karmen
Noc, Matjaz
The annual macroeconomic model of the Banco de Portugal»»»
Lopes de Castro, Gabriela
The collection of balance of payments statistical data and the statistical requirements for EMU2011»»»
Alvarez, Rafael
The communication of statistics and statistical literacy2011»»»
Dimitrov, Emil
The cooperation between the Dutch Central Bank and Statistics Netherlands: a strategic alliance for the compilation of statistics2011»»»
de Boo, Bram
Lub, Henk
The development of short-term economic statistics in the context of the action plans on EMU statistical requirements2011»»»
Keuning, Steven
Walton, Richard
The evolvement of CMFB opinions and the related rules of procedure2011»»»
Cordier, Jean
The future of CMFB2011»»»
Bier, Werner
The impact of the financial crisis and consequences for the CMFB work2011»»»
van de Ven, Peter
The integrated quarterly sector accounts: a unique data-set in a joint ESS/ESCB collaboration2011»»»
Quiros, Gabriel
Leythienne, Denis
The origins of CMFB's involvement in EDP statistical monitoring2011»»»
Kidgell, John
The quality of EDP statistics; the CMFB role2011»»»
Keating, Bill
The role of the CMFB in the context of the cooperation between Eurostat and the EMI2011»»»
Meganck, Bart
The update of international statistical manuals (revised SNA, BPM6, BD4) and the revision of ESA 952011»»»
Glaab, Hans-Peter
Vol. 1 : From the first Portuguese bank to the Bank of Portugal's role as central bank[2007]»»»
[Volume I]2006»»»
[Volume] II2009»»»
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