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Accounting for amplification mechanism in bank stress test models at the Bank of Canada»»»
Halaj, Grzegorz
Traclet, Virginie
Central Bank Governors' Symposium, 2001, Bank of England discussant's comments : Governor of the Bank of Canada»»»
Dodge, David A.
- Descriere: p. 299-301
- ISBN: -
Central bank governors' symposium, 2001, Bank of England discussant's comments: governor of the Bank of Canada2005»»»
Dodge, David A.
Central banks on the web : why are we there? : central banks must go beyond the minimum of data provision if they are to build an image and address the growing demands of their diverse audience, argues Brent Eades of the Bank of Canada»»»
Eades, Brent
How the Bank of Canada manages reserves2003»»»
De Leon, Jacobo
How to make money by John Crow : Ben Mander enjoys the new book by a former governor of the Bank of Canada»»»
Crow, John W.
Mander, Benedict
Interest rate policy at the Bank of Canada: setting the agenda2004»»»
Macroeconomics, monetary policy and financial stability : a festschrift in honour of Charles Freedman : proceedings of a conference held by the Bank of Canada, June 20032004»»»
Monetary dialogue and dogma in the Bank of Canada: inside evidence revisited2004»»»
Rowley, Robin
Spotton Visano, Brenda
Monetary policy in a period of financial chaos : the political economy of the Bank of Canada in extraordinary times2012»»»
Lavoie, Marc
Seccareccia, Mario
Price adjustment and monetary policy : proceedings of a conference held by the Bank of Canada, November 20022003»»»
Rflections on three decades at the Bank of Canada»»»
Freedman, Charles
The Bank of Canada and the inflation-unemployment trade-off»»»
Macklem, Tiff
Fortin, Pierre
The Bank of Canada's pursuit of price stability : reputation as an alternative to independence : the experience of the Bank of Canada suggests that legal independece and specific mandate of price stability may not be necessary to gain policy credibility»»»
King, Michael
The banking system of Canada»»»
Beckhart, Benjamin Haggott
Cann, H. V.
Courtland Elliott, J.
McLeod, H. C.
Mitchell, W. A.
The evolving financial system and public policy : proceedings of a conference held by the Bank of Canada, December, 20032004»»»
Website of the year : the governor of the Bank of Canada, David Dodge, was in London to receive the award for the best central bank website for 2003»»»
Dodge, David A.
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