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Assisting South East Europe through external anchors2011»»»
Bastian, Jens
From crisis to recovery : sustainable growth in South East Europe2011»»»
Anastasakis, Othon
Bastian, Jens
Watson, Max
Geo-economic developments and regional trends : China's emerging footprint in South-East Europe : what are the risks and opportunities?»»»
Bastian, Jens
- Descriere: p. 37-42
- ISBN: -
Governor's panel : financial markets, financial inclusion and their important role for future developments in macroeconomic and financial stability»»»
Bastian, Jens
Sejko, Gent
Colakovic, Belma
Mehmeti, Fehmi
Zugic, Radoje
Krstevska, Aneta
- Descriere: p. 159-199
- ISBN: -
Impact of the Greek crisis on its neighbours in South East Europe2011»»»
Bastian, Jens
The rise, fall, and return of promotional banking in Greece»»»
Bastian, Jens
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