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A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 1 - Volume 22014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 1 Money, credit and sectoral balance sheets2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
A flow-of-funds perspective on the financial crisis Volume 2 Macroeconomic imbalances and risks to financial stability2014»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
Introduction and overview»»»
Winkler, Bernhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
- Descriere: p. 1-8
- ISBN: -
Introduction and overview»»»
Winkler, Bernhard
Riet, Ad van
Bull, Peter
- Descriere: 1-9
- ISBN: -
Statistical requirements for EMU: the CMFB involvement2011»»»
Bull, Peter
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