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"Business intelligence" and "Big Data" : a winning connection for management of enterprises»»»
Pagliacci, Mario G.R.
Sani, Sara
Calvo, Elisabetta
"Businessmen and merchants will not enter the place of my Father" : early Christianity and market mentality»»»
Lupieri, Edmondo F.
10 legi naturale pentru cresterea productivitatii si a echilibrului interior : sistemul Franklin de management al timpului2005»»»
Smith, H. W.
Xenofont, Magda
6 Microsoft Office Business Applications for Office SharePoint Server 20072008»»»
Barker, Rob
Bichsel, Joanna
Buenz, Adam
Fox, Steve
Holliday, John
Nene, Bhushan
Ravindran, Karthik
A business model map in the wealth management industry»»»
Lucarelli, Caterina
Maggi, Simona
- Descriere: p. 200-220
- ISBN: -
A citation analysis of business history and related disciplines»»»
De Jong, Abe
Higgins, David M.
van Driel, Hugo
A concise guide to market research : the process, data, and methods using IBM SPSS statistics2019»»»
Sarstedt, Marko
Mooi, Erik
A contribution to the interrelation between the theory of reproduction and that of business fluctuations»»»
Erdos, Paul
A nonparametric analysis of international business cycles»»»
Bovi, Maurizio
- Descriere: p. 136-151
- ISBN: -
A part of the legacy of Haute Banque? : the asset management business in France at the beginning of the 21st century»»»
Quennouelle-Corre, Laure
A quasi-analytic approach to the business strategy problem»»»
Ansoff, H. I.
- Descriere: p. 350-362
- ISBN: -
A revisionist historiography of business history : a richer past for a richer future»»»
Kipping, Matthias
Kurosawa, Takafumi
Wadhwani, R. Daniel
Accounting for business cycles»»»
Brinca, P.
Chari, Varadarajan Venkata
Kehoe, Patrick J.
McGrattan, Ellen R.
- Descriere: p. 1013-1064
- ISBN: -
Accounting principles and business reality»»»
Edey, Harold C.
Adapting to Basel III and IV : re-engineering capital, business mix and performance management practices post-crisis2017»»»
Ozdemir, Bogie
Afaceri financiare2003»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Ivan, Mihail Vincentiu
African business history»»»
Austin, Gareth
Aggregate employment, real business cycles superior information»»»
Boileau, Martin
Normandin, Michel
- Descriere: Vol. 49, No. 3, April 2002, p. 495-520
- ISBN: -
Aici e raspunsul : sfaturi de business de la cel mai dubios coach din lume pentru noii antreprenori2022»»»
Norris, Dan
Ilie, Anastasia
Aligning human resources and business strategy2022»»»
Holbeche, Linda
America's persecuted minority : big business»»»
Rand, Ayn
American commercial buildings of today : skyscraper office buildings, banks, private business buildings, stores and shops1928»»»
Sexton, R. W.
American economic development : the progress of a business civilization1966»»»
Krooss, Herman E.
An employee communications strategy to support the launch of a new business strategy»»»
Marin, Javier
Antreprenoriatul : transforma-ti ideile in masini de facut bani2012»»»
Gordon, Michael E.
Fulger, Mihai
Applied statistical methods for business, economics, and the social sciences1997»»»
Carlson, William L.
Thorne, Betty
Arbitration and the business man»»»
Pearson, Niel
Arhitectura : de la vocatie la business»»»
Gafar, Michaela
Asset prices, consumption, and the business cycle»»»
Campbell, John Young
Authentic materials in business english instruction: challenges and opportunities2009»»»
Lupu, Olesia
Bank Act of the State of California : including amendments of 1927 : with complete index, also appendix containing text of various acts and code provisions relating to the business of bannking1927»»»
Bank capital and risk-taking : the impact of capital regulation, charter value, and the business cycle2007»»»
Stolz, Stephanie M.
Bank lending to small business in Latin America : does bank origin matter?»»»
Clarke, George
Cull, Robert
Martinez Peria, Maria Soledad
Sanchez, Susana M.
- Descriere: Vol. 37, No. 1, February 2005, p. 83-118
- ISBN: -
Banking business in socialist economy with special regard to East-West trade1968»»»
Meznerics, Ivan
Banking for business administration : theory, cases and applications2012»»»
Dima, Mihaela Alina
Ameziane, Lizeta
Dinca, Violeta Mihaela
Orzea, Ivona
Agoston, Simona
Serban, Andreea Luoana
Vasilescu, Andra Maria
Banking panics and business cycles»»»
Gorton, Gary B.
- Descriere: p. 33-63
- ISBN: -
Banking standards under the Federal Reserve System : a study of norms, trends, and correlations of the assets, deposits, expenses, and earnings of member banks1928»»»
Basic characteristics of the Euro-area business cycle»»»
Musso, Alberto
- Descriere: p. 275-288
- ISBN: -
Big Data and businesses : past-present-future»»»
Protopopescu, Cristina Elena
Teau, Anca-Mihaela
Big think strategy : how to leverage bold ideas and leave small thinking behind2007»»»
Schmitt, Bernd H.
Budgeting to the business cycle1925»»»
Barber, Joseph H.
Building financial models with Microsoft Excel : a guide for business professionals2004»»»
Proctor, K. Scott
Pride, William M.
Hughes, Robert J.
Kapoor, Jack R.
Business Model Generation : un manual pentru vizionari, reformatori si aspiranti2017»»»
Osterwalder, Alexander
Pigneur, Yves
Smith, Alan
Clark, Tim P.
Dorobantu, Diana
Ion, Bogdan
Business analysis with Microsoft Excel2007»»»
Carlberg, Conrad
Business and social networks in international trade»»»
Rauch, James E.
- Descriere: Vol. 39, No. 4, December 2001, p. 1177-1203
- ISBN: -
Business communication2014»»»
Locker, Kitty O.
Kazmarek, Stephen Kyo
- Descriere: 549 p. ; 27 cm
- ISBN: 9781259060670
New York
Business communication and negotiation : skills and attitudes2021»»»
State, Cristina
Popescu, Dan
Business communication today2012»»»
Bovee, Courtland
Thill, John V.
Business continuity planning and management : a lifejacket in the COVID-19 storm?»»»
Bongini, Paola
Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Malgorzata
Liberati, Caterina
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