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A central bank's dilemmas in highly uncertain times : a Romanian view»»»
Daianu, Daniel
A liquidity-based approach to macroprudential policy»»»
Landau, Jean-Pierre
A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-20212022»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
Bancile centrale si calibrarea politicii monetare2022»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Lazea, Valentin
Broken bargain : bankers, bailouts, and the struggle to tame Wall Street2019»»»
Day, Kathleen
Bubbles and crashes : the boom and bust of technological innovation2019»»»
Goldfarb, Brent
Kirsch, David A.
Ciclul afacerilor si crizele economice : cine sunt vinovatii?»»»
Marinescu, Cosmin Stefan
Glavan, Bogdan
Ciclul economic : dualismul monetaro-real2013»»»
Ifrim, Mihaela
Cicluri economice... : disertatie sustinuta cu ocazia decernarii titlului de Doctor Honoris Causa al Universitatii Politehnica : Bucuresti, 18 octombrie 2013»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Cicluri economico-financiare in evolutia sistemului monetar international2019»»»
Ionescu, Lucian Constantin
Ciclurile economice si riscul sistemic2021»»»
Sprincean, Nicu
Andries, Alin-Marius
Crisis regulation by financial intermediaries»»»
Larionova, Irina
Gorelikov, Kirill
Domestic cycles, financial cycles and policies : what has gone wrong?»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Domestic cycles, financial cycles and policies : what has gone wrong?»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Economie : lucrari selectate2023»»»
Salater, Wilhelm
Economy : selected works2023»»»
Lazea, Valentin
El ciclo real vs. el ciclo financiero : un analisis comparativo para el caso espanol : seminario sobre politica anticiclica2012»»»
Emerging Europe and the great recession2018»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Financial innovations, indebtedness and coordination of monetary and macro prudential policies»»»
Frait, Jan
Financial stability : selected works2022»»»
Radulescu, Eugen
Housing is the business cycle»»»
Leamer, Edward E.
Smets, Frank
Identifying the real estate cycle : are housing prices enough?»»»
Banu, Elena
Mihai, Irina
Implementarea amortizorului anticiclic de capital (CCYB) in Romania»»»
Alupoaiei, Alexie
Kubinschi, Matei
Tatarici, Luminita
Zaharia, Alina
Inflation theory in economics : welfare, velocity, growth and business cycles2009»»»
Gillman, Max
Instabilitate financiara, cicluri, politici de stabilizare2023»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Olteanu, Dan Constantin
International monetary system and global financial cycles = Sistema monetario internazionale e cicli finanziari globali2019»»»
Rey, Helene
Mankiw, Nicholas Gregory
Romania in Uniunea Europeana : oportunitati si provocari : Conferinta tinerilor economisti : (Bucuresti-septembrie 2007)2008»»»
Stabilitatea preturilor si stabilitatea financiara : obiective primordiale ale politicii monetare : [teza de doctorat]2015»»»
Popescu, Dragos Ion
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
The ABCs of RBCs : an introduction to dynamic macroeconomic models2008»»»
McCandless, George
The financial cycle and macroeconomics : what have we learned and what are the policy implications?»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
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