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Averea pierduta a tarilor1997»»»
Clarke, William
Bucur, Ecaterina
Britain's invisible earnings : the report of the Committee on Invisible Exports1968»»»
Clarke, William
Bland, Thomas
City state : how the markets came to rule our world : William Clarke reviews a new book by economic historians David Kynaston and Richard Roberts, tracing the development of the City of London and its place in the society»»»
Clarke, William
Kynaston, David
Roberts, Richard
David Kynaston : The City of London, Vol. IV A Club No More 1945-2000 : drawing on his own experience covering the City as a financial journalist and the founder of British Invisibles, William Clarke praises the fourth volume of Kynaston's magnum opus, which covers the period since the war»»»
Kynaston, David
Clarke, William
Euro : chaos or success? : William Clarke, chairman of Central Banking Publications, considers the preparations made for the introduction of euro notes and coins»»»
Clarke, William
The socialisation of iron and steel1936»»»
Barnes Clarke, Richard William
The stability and growth pact : next steps : a flexible and cyclical assessement of euro countries' finances will mean earlier warnings from Brussels : has the pact bounced back?»»»
Clarke, William
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