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Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Banking secrecy: coping with money laundering in the international arena1994»»»
Hilsher, Gerald L.
Caveat emptor : coping with sovereign risk under the international gold standard : 1871-19132007»»»
Flandreau, Marc
Coping with "fatigue" in the debt-restructuring process1994»»»
Davis, Richard J.
Coping with accounting standards and central bank transparency : central bank need to adopt international accounting standards for the sake of transparency : but the standards are generally not conceived with central banks in mind : Joshua Kurtzig, central banking specialist at PricewaterhouseCoopers, explains what central banks can do»»»
Kurtzig, Joshua
Coping with international financial crises : the G-7 approach»»»
Saccomanni, Fabrizio
- Descriere: p. 69-89
- ISBN: -
Coping with model risk2000»»»
Lhabitant, Francois Serge
Exchange rate regimes in selected advanced transition economies : coping with transition, capital inflows and EU accession2000»»»
Corker, Robert
Beaumont, Craig
van Elkan, Rachel
Iakova, Dora
Fate's gift economy : the Chinese case of coping with the asymmetry between man and fate»»»
Wagner, Rudolf G.
How to make forgotten spaces visible? : image making as a coping strategy of two European small towns»»»
Pluschke-Altof, Bianka
Sept, Ariane
Inteligenta emotionala, adaptarea la evenimente stresante si consecintele asupra sanatatii»»»
Matthews, Gerald
Zeidner, Moshe
Modele ale raspunsului la stresul pierderii locului de munca»»»
Baciu, Cristina
Prevenirea si controlul stresului la locul de munca»»»
Murphy, Lawrence R.
The EU after Lisbon : amending or coping with the existing treaties?2014»»»
Rossi, Lucia Serena
Casolari, Federico
The great disruption : how business is coping with turbulent times2015»»»
Wooldridge, Adrian
Who will pay? : coping with aging societies, climate change, and other long-term fiscal challenges2003»»»
Heller, Peter S.
Women's homelessness : international evidence on causes, consequences, coping and policies»»»
Johnson, Guy
Ribar, David C.
Zhu, Anna
- Descriere: p. 799-823
- ISBN: -
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