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Central banking and financial stability in East Asia2015»»»
Rovekamp, Frank
Balz, Moritz
Hilpert, Hanns Gunther
Early warning systems for financial crises : applications to East Asia2005»»»
East Asia's developmental states in evolution : the challenge of sustaining national competitiveness at the technological frontier»»»
Kim, Sung-Young
Foreign currency denominated assets and international shock absorption in Europe and East Asia»»»
Schnabl, Gunther
Household saving in East Asia and Latin America: inequality, demographics, and all that2001»»»
Attanasio, Orazio P.
Szekely, Miguel
Introduction : Financial stability in East Asia : a tentative assessment»»»
Rovekamp, Frank
Balz, Moritz
Hilpert, Hanns Gunther
Gordon, Robert J.
Risks and returns : managing financial trade-offs for inclusive growth in Europe and Central Asia2017»»»
Gould, David Michael
Melecky, Martin
Spillover effects of Japan's quantitative and qualitative easing on East Asian economies»»»
Fukuda, Shin-Ichi
Ultra-low interest rates and growth in emerging East Asia from a Hayekian perspective»»»
Schnabl, Gunther
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