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Dinamica pietelor de capital emergente2014»»»
Diaconasu, Delia-Elena
Pohoata, Ion
Interpretari occidentale inconsistente ale decalajelor economice»»»
Popper, Andrei A.
Kostis, Kostas P.
New evidence on farmer responses to economic opportunities from the early agrarian history of Western Europe»»»
Schultz, Theodore William
Running faster or measuring better? : how Central and Eastern European science is catching up with Western Europe»»»
Olechnicka, Agnieszka
Ploszaj, Adam
Structural fiscal imbalances, financial repression and sovereign debt sustainability in Southern Europe, 1970s-1990s»»»
Battilossi, Stefano
The European economy since 19142013»»»
Aldcroft, Derek H.
Morewood, Steven
The background for investment in Western Europe in the sixties»»»
Uri, Pierre
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