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Anticipated inflation and interest rates in an open economy : a study of the Gibson Paradox for the Netherlands»»»
Fase, Martin M. G.
Van Nieuwkerk, Marius
Economia mondiala la inceputul secolului XXI : oportunitati si provocari2006»»»
Bonciu, Florin
Euro : an econometric model for the European Economic Comunity»»»
Ranuzzi de Bianchi, Paolo
Evolution of central banking? : De Nederlandsche Bank : 1814-18522015»»»
Uittenbogaard, Roland
Local expansion processes of Dutch firms in Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Drogendijk, Rian H.J.
Macroeconometric models2013»»»
Welfe, Wladyslaw
Mania lalelelor : povestea celei mai ravnite flori din lume si a pasiunilor iesite din comun pe care le-a starnit2014»»»
Dash, Mike
Stanescu, Andreea
Regulations and policies relating to the Eurocurrency market»»»
Gilbert, Milton
McClam, Warren
Sistemul finantelor locale in diferite tari»»»
Iordan, Dimitrie N.
Sveriges Riksbank and the history of central banking2018»»»
Edvinsson, Rodney
Jacobson, Tor
Waldenstrom, Daniel
The comparative development of regions in the Netherlands, 1820-2010»»»
De Jong, Herman
Stelder, Dirk
The economics of World War I2009»»»
Broadberry, Stephen
Harrison, Mark
The political economy of public finance : taxation, state spending and debt since the 1970s2018»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Daunton, Martin
Nutzenadel, Alexander
Trade credit and monetary policy in the Netherlands : an empirical investigation into the determinants of domestic trade credit under a system of direct credit control»»»
Van Nieuwkerk, Marius
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