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Economia mondiala la inceputul secolului XXI : oportunitati si provocari2006»»»
Bonciu, Florin
Inflation und Einkommenspolitik in einem kleinen Land : das Beispiel Schwedens»»»
Lundberg, Erik
Lender of last resort in a peripheral economy with a fixed exchange rate : financial crises and monetary policy in Sweden under the Silver and Gold Standards, 1834-1913»»»
Ogren, Anders
Monetary policy instruments: design of instruments mix and coordination of instrument design1997»»»
Balino, Tomas J.T.
Sundararajan, V.
Politica monetara a Suediei in anii 1931-1933»»»
Iordan, Dimitrie N.
Privire asupra situatiunei economice a Suediei in 1924»»»
Balacescu, Corneliu D.
Regional convergence and divergence in Sweden, 1860-2010 : evidence from Swedish historical regional GDP data»»»
Enflo, Kerstin
Henning, Martin
Schon, Lennart
Regulations and policies relating to the Eurocurrency market»»»
Gilbert, Milton
McClam, Warren
Saving investment, and gold: a reassessment of historical current account data2001»»»
Jones, Matthew T.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Socialismul, aceasta amagire! : doi economisti la un pahar prin lumea nelibera2022»»»
Lawson, Robert
Powell, Benjamin
Popescu, Beatrice
Societatea sub semnul cunoasterii. Doua "lectii de succes": Finlanda si Suedia»»»
Iordache, Ionut Dezideriu
Sveriges Riksbank and the history of central banking2018»»»
Edvinsson, Rodney
Jacobson, Tor
Waldenstrom, Daniel
Svensson, Torsten
Swedish iron and steel : a historical survey1948»»»
Lowegren, Gunnar
Sahlin, Nils G.
Taxation in the 1980s : a five-country comparison of neo-liberalism and path dependency»»»
Buggeln, Marc
The political economy of commercial banking in Sweden : a bird's-eye view of the relations between industry and banking over 150 years»»»
Olsson, Ulf
Jornmark, Jan
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