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Changing legal basis of central banks : Rene Smits outlines the special legal basis of the European System of Central Banks and of its mandate in the changing constitutional positions of central banks»»»
Smits, Rene
Currency convertibility in Eastern Europe»»»
Bergsten, C. Fred
Williamson, John
Differentiation in the European system of central banks : circles, core and directoire2009»»»
Umbach, Gaby
Wessels, Wolfgang
Euro-Dollar puzzles»»»
Hubner, Kurt
European Central Bank : the investment decision-making process and its governance»»»
Silvonen, Torsti
Port, Etienne
European Monetary Union and the European System of Central Banks1995»»»
Louis, Jean-Victor
Running an enlarged eurozone : reforming the ECB Governing Council : efficiency, representation and national economic interest»»»
Howarth, David
The legal framework for the European System of Central Banks»»»
Siekmann, Helmut
The legality of outright monetary transactions of the European System of Central Banks»»»
Siekmann, Helmut
The making of the statute of the European System of Central Banks : an application of checks and balances2005»»»
Berg, Carel Cornelis Abraham van den
Time for the ECB to intervene : Charles Goodhart makes the case for Europe's central bank to sell the euro»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
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