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Eficienta si evaluarea investitiilor2004»»»
Vasilescu, Ion
Gheorghe, Alexandru
Cicea, Claudiu
Dobrea, Catalin
Exiting the euro crisis2011»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Greek debt : the endgame scenarios2011»»»
Buchheit, Lee C.
Gulati, Mitu
How the EU wants to solve the crisis and why this not going to work2011»»»
Munchau, Wolfgang
Ireland's sovereign debt crisis2011»»»
Whelan, Karl
Life in the eurozone with or without sovereign default?2011»»»
Allen, Franklin
Carletti, Elena
Corsetti, Giancarlo
Fontelles, Josep Borrell
Alphandery, Edmond
Boot, Arnoud W. A.
Buchheit, Lee C.
Life in the eurozone with or without sovereign default?2011»»»
Panetta, Fabio
Life in the eurozone with or without sovereign default? : the current situation2011»»»
Siekmann, Helmut
Life with and without sovereign defaults : some historical reflections2011»»»
Cassis, Youssef
Making policy under efficiency pressures : globalization, public spending, and social welafare»»»
Tanzi, Vito
- Descriere: p. 109-130
- ISBN: -
Political, fiscal and banking union in the Eurozone?2013»»»
Allen, Franklin
Carletti, Elena
Gray, Joanna
Pregatirea, evaluarea si auditul proiectelor2006»»»
Vasilescu, Ion
Quo vadis, Euroland? : European Monetary Union between crisis and reform2011»»»
Hellwig, Martin F.
Rules-based restructuring and the eurozone crisis2011»»»
Skeel, David A.
Sovereign debt and banks : need for a fundamental view on the structure of the banking industry2011»»»
Boot, Arnoud W. A.
The EU in 2013 : debt default and more?2011»»»
Kersnar, Janet
The European crisis : a view from the market2011»»»
Nielsen, Erik F.
The current situation : the euro crisis - a crisis of PIGS?2011»»»
Marimor, Ramon
The economic consequences of the Euro Pact2011»»»
Alphandery, Edmond
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