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"Mothers and children" : discourses on paper money during the Song period»»»
Vogel, Hans-Ulrich
A financial and politically symbolic tool»»»
Roy, Joaquin
Allgemeine Bankbetriebslehre1969»»»
Bachler, Hans
Stampfli, Arthur
Banking cooperation in development financing»»»
Crnobrnja, Mihailo
Frere, Jean
Milutinovic, Milovan
Smole, Janko
Vries, Tom de
Colanovic, Branislav
Zhenhan, Chen
Granfil, Toma
De Witt, Y. B.
Chestiunea Reparatiunilor si Planul Dawes : [partea a 2-a]»»»
Radulescu, Savel
Circulatia baneasca si creditul in U.R.S.S. : manual pentru institutele si facultatile financiare si economice, aprobat de Ministerul Invatamantului Superior al U.R.S.S.1954»»»
Iconnicov, V. V.
Das Geld1923»»»
Helfferich, Karl
Das Geldsystem der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik1956»»»
Kohlmey, Gunther
Drept financiar2023»»»
Costas, Cosmin Flavius
Tofan, Mihaela
Andrei, Liviu C.
Euroland end East Asia in a dollar-based international monetary system: Mundell revisited2001»»»
McKinnon, Ronald Ian
Europaische Integration, Weltwirtschaft und Weltwahrungsordnung»»»
Robbins, Lionel
Exchange rates and international finance2000»»»
Copeland, Laurence S.
Finante internationale1997»»»
Gaftoniuc, Simona
Finante internationale2000»»»
Gaftoniuc, Simona
Finante publice internationale : asistenta pentru dezvoltare acordata Romaniei2006»»»
Roman, Daniela Lidia
Folosirea experientei sovietice in actiunea de inzestrare a intreprinderilor de stat cu fonduri de rulment»»»
Tanase, Al.
- Descriere: An 2, nr. 6, Dec 1949, p. 114-130
- ISBN: -
Finante - Moneta
Inteligenta financiara : ghidul managerului pentru intelegerea adevaratei semnificatii a cifrelor2022»»»
Berman, Karen
Knight, Joe
Case, John
Cojocaru, Iustina
Tataru, Elena
Inteligenta financiara : ghidul managerului pentru intelegerea adevaratei semnificatii a cifrelor2011»»»
Berman, Karen
Knight, Joe
Case, John
Cojocaru, Carmen-Iustina
International finance2013»»»
Pilbeam, Keith
International finance : theory and policy2023»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
International finance and open-economy macroeconomics2001»»»
Gandolfo, Giancarlo
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Is the Euro ready to play the global currency role?»»»
Campanella, Miriam L.
Living up to expectations? : taking stock of the international role of the Euro»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
McKay, Julie
Macroeconomic policy in the European Monetary Union : from the old to the new stability and growth pact2008»»»
Farina, Francesco
Tamborini, Roberto
Members rights and obligations under the IMF's articles of agreement: the role of practice in the interpretation of an organization's charter1995»»»
Gianviti, Francois P.
Memos to the new EU leadership : EU to do 2015-20192014»»»
Sapir, Andre
Metodele actiunii bancare si gestiunea finantelor publice Volumul 2 Politicile financiar-monetare2008»»»
Chirlesan, Dan
Monetary economies of production : banking and financial circuits and the role of the state : essays in honour of Alain Parguez2013»»»
Rochon, Louis-Philippe
Seccareccia, Mario
Money, the financial system, and the economy2000»»»
Hubbard, R. Glenn
O pereche de pantofi : finantele si contabilitatea afacerii2016»»»
Celnicu, Tinca
Officially supported export credits in the present international situation»»»
Boffito, Carlo
On the history of German Monetary Union»»»
Tilly, Richard H.
Planul Dawes : etapa in solutionarea problemei reparatiilor de razboi»»»
Pirvu, Marian Alin
Politicile economice in perioada crizei: trasaturi si caracteristici ale politicilor la nivel international, regional, national2009»»»
Pelinescu, Elena
Radulescu, Magdalena
Ionescu, Carmen Raluca
Anton, Lucian Vasile
Tasca, Radu
Potential gains from and obstacles to international policy coordination»»»
Solomon, Robert
Relatii financiare si valutare internationale2003»»»
Boaja, Minica
Research handbook on central banking2018»»»
Conti-Brown, Peter
Lastra, Rosa Maria
Situatia financiara a Bulgariei»»»
Balacescu, Corneliu D.
Situatia financiara a Rusiei in anul 1917»»»
Ioncu, Teodora
Socio-economical and political costs of the adjustment process to external disequilibrium in LDCs : the need for a new IMF in the 80's»»»
Villarreal, Rene
Staatliche Theorie des Geldes1923»»»
Knapp, Georg Friedrich
Stagnation is silver, but growth is gold : China's silver period, circa 1430-1935»»»
Xu, Yi
van Leeuwen, Bas
Statele Unite ale Americei : bancherii lumei»»»
Draganescu-Brates, Petru
The Euro and the dollar in a globalized economy2016»»»
Roy, Joaquin
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
The M-Pesa technological revolution for financial services in Kenya : a platform for financal inclusion»»»
Ndung'u, Njuguna
The Monetary Union: The Decade Ahead. The Case of Non-Member States2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Lungu, Laurian
The euro and the crisis : perspectives for the eurozone as a monetary and budgetary union2017»»»
da Costa Cabral, Nazare
Goncalves, Jose Renato
Rodrigues, Nuno Cunha
The international money market1935»»»
Madden, John T.
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