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100 % money[1935]»»»
Fisher, Irving
A remedy for the rising cost of living : standardizing the dollar1913»»»
Fisher, Irving
Booms and depression : some first principles1933»»»
Fisher, Irving
Die Illusion des Geldes[1928]»»»
Fisher, Irving
Fisher, Irving
Fisher, Herbert W.
Kaufkraft des Geldes : ihre Bestimmung und ihre Beziehung zu Kredit, Zins und Krisen1922»»»
Fisher, Irving
Lebe richtig ein Wegweiser zu gesunder Lebensfuhrung nach modernen wissenschaftlichen Grundsatzen1939»»»
Fisher, Irving
Emerson, Haven
Zimmermann, Werner
Mastering the crisis1934»»»
Fisher, Irving
Fisher, Herbert W.
Stabilised money : a history of the movement1935»»»
Fisher, Irving
The business cycle largely a "dance of the dollar"1923»»»
Fisher, Irving
The debt-deflation theory of Great Depressions1933»»»
Fisher, Irving
The debt-deflation theory of great depressions1933»»»
Fisher, Irving
The making of index numbers : a study of their varieties, tests, and reliability1927»»»
Fisher, Irving
The theory of interest : as determined by impatience to spend income and opportunity to invest it1930»»»
Fisher, Irving
The unstable dollar as a factor in the credit man's problem1927»»»
Fisher, Irving
- Descriere: 16 p. ; 22 cm
- ISBN: -
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