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An assessment of chile's monetary and fiscal policy responses to the global crisis2013»»»
Soto, Claudio
Analiza cash flow-urilor»»»
Obreja Brasoveanu, Laura
Analiza fluxurilor de trezorerie»»»
Petcu, Monica Aureliana
Sobolevschi-David, Maria Iulia
Dinu, Eduard
Curea, Stefania Cristina
Motofei, Catalina
Analiza investitiilor imobiliare2009»»»
Badescu, Gheorghe
Oancea-Negescu, Mihaela Diana
Caile stabilitatii monetare1993»»»
Dumitrescu, Florea
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Capital flows : causes, consequences and policy responses1997»»»
Hoggarth, Glenn
Sterne, Gabriel
Capital inflows and policy responses : lessons from Korea's experience2013»»»
Chung, Kyuil
Kim, Seungwon
Central banks, macroprudential policy, and the spanish experience2013»»»
Alberola, Enrique
Trucharte, Carlos
Vega, J. L.
Contabilitatea si finantele pe intelesul tuturor2005»»»
Atrill, Peter
McLaney, Eddie
Popescu, Oana
Cum poti folosi legea fiscala pentru a-ti imbunatati fluxul de numerar»»»
Wheelwright, Tom
Currencies, capital flows and crises : a post keynesian analysis of exchange rate determination2010»»»
Harvey, John T.
Expectations data in asset pricing»»»
Adam, Klaus
Nagel, Stefan
Flux de numerar : Vanzari = primul loc... ; Fluxul de numerar = ultimul loc»»»
Wheelwright, Tom
Fundamentals of financial analysis [Vol.] 1 Nature and purpose of financial information1997»»»
Naik, Ranjit
Fundamentals of financial analysis [Vol.] 2 Analysis of performance1997»»»
Naik, Ranjit
Instructiuni privind operatiunile de casierie in unitatile Bancii de Stat a R.P.R. : pentru uz intern1962»»»
Introduction : Central bank lessons from the global crisis2013»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Israel and the global crisis : events, policy and lessons2013»»»
Braude, Jacob
Lessons from the financial crisis : an Australian perspective2013»»»
Kearns, Jonathan
Lessons from the world financial crisis for the Central Bank of Norway : the approach to monetary policy and financial stability2013»»»
Berg, Sigbjorn Alte
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Managing capital inflows : old and new debates2013»»»
Ostry, Jonathan D.
Minighid de evaluare a companiilor listate : cum sa evaluezi o companie, sa alegi un portofoliu si sa faci profit2014»»»
Damodaran, Aswath
Sofonea, Mihaela
Monetary policy frameworks after the great financial crisis2013»»»
Pill, Huw
Smets, Frank
Norme privind organizarea si controlul bancar asupra operatiilor cu numerar1977»»»
O pereche de pantofi : finantele si contabilitatea afacerii2016»»»
Celnicu, Tinca
Organizarea si planificarea circulatiei banesti si a creditului : [manual universitar]1976»»»
Vasilescu, Eugen Gheorghe
Policy response to external shocks : lessons from the crisis2013»»»
Capistran, Carlos
Cuadra, Gabriel
Ramos-Francia, Manuel
Politique economique et optimum social1972»»»
Tinbergen, Jan
Barrere, Alain
Dufourt, Daniel
Prolonged deslocation and financial crises2013»»»
Browne, Frank
Kelly, Robert
Resetting the international monetary (non)system2017»»»
Ocampo, Jose Antonio
Secretele fluxului de numerar : bunuri in loc de venit»»»
Kiyosaki, Kim
Tax policies and financial stability : lessons from the crisis2013»»»
Schuberth, Helene
Tehnici de analiza financiara : : ghid pentru crearea valorii = Techniques of financial analysis : a guide to value creation2006»»»
Helfert, Erich Anton
Bisa, Cristian
Baba, Dorel
Mitrica, Eugen
The Oxford handbook of banking and financial history2016»»»
Cassis, Youssef
Grossman, Richard S.
Schenk, Catherine R.
The analysis and use of financial statements2003»»»
White, Gerald I.
Sondhi, Ashwinpaul C.
Fried, Dov
The euro trap : on bursting bubbles, budgets, and beliefs2014»»»
Sinn, Hans Werner
The evolution of the CLO market since the global financial crisis and a valuation approach for CLO tranches»»»
Arora, Kashyap
Iwamoto, Kimito
The great recession : lessons for central bankers2013»»»
Braude, Jacob
Eckstein, Zvi
Fischer, Stanley
Flug, Karnit
The role of monetary policy in Turkey during the global financial crisis2013»»»
Alp, Harun
Elekdag, Selim
Understanding global crises : an emerging paradigm2014»»»
Razin, Assaf
Unfinished business : the unexplored causes of the financial crisis and the lessons yet to be learned2018»»»
Bayoumi, Tamim
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