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Introduction to The Payment Services Directive II : a commentary»»»
Gimigliano, Gabriella
Bozina Beros, Marta
The Payment Services Directive II : a commentary2021»»»
Gimigliano, Gabriella
Bozina Beros, Marta
Santoro, Vittorio
Title II "Payment service providers", chapter 2 "Common provisions" (arts 35-37)»»»
Divissenko, Nikita
Gimigliano, Gabriella
Title III "Transparency of conditions and information requirements for payment services", chapter 1 "General rules" (arts 38-42), chapter 2 "Single payment transactions" (arts 43-49), chapter 3 "Framework contracts" (arts 50-58)»»»
Gimigliano, Gabriella
Title IV "Rights and obligations in relation to the provision and use of payment services", chapter 1 "Common provisions" (arts 61-63)»»»
Gimigliano, Gabriella
Title IV "Rights and obligations in relation to the provision and use of payment services", chapter 2 "Authorisation of payment transactions" (arts 64-77)»»»
Gimigliano, Gabriella
Title VI "Final provisions" (arts 107-117)»»»
Gimigliano, Gabriella
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