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Active labor market policies to expand employment and opportunity»»»
Katz, Lawrence F.
Heckman, James J.
Morley, John W.
Capitalism, filantropie si responsabilitate financiara»»»
Bratu, Renate-Doina
Causes of changing eranings inequality»»»
Snower, Dennis J.
Lawrence, Robert Z.
Murphy, Kevin J.
Class, capital, and the autonomy of states»»»
Staniland, Martin
Commons and local development disparities : a mixed-methods longitudinal new-institutional analysis2021»»»
Diaconu, David
Crisis and inequality : the political economy of advanced capitalism2021»»»
Vermeiren, Mattias
Criticile aduse de Financial Times»»»
Leger, Lucas
Discussion of the landscape»»»
Diamond, Peter
Economia comestibila : povesti despre mancare ce iti vor schimba felul de a vedea lumea2023»»»
Chang, Ha-Joon
Avadanei, Ioana
Economic and financial crime, sustainability and good governance2023»»»
Achim, Monica Violeta
Economic consequences of ring income inequality»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Siebert, Horst
Economie utila pentru vremuri dificile : solutii optime pentru probleme greu de rezolvat2021»»»
Banerjee, Abhijit Vinayak
Duflo, Esther
Pirvulescu, Monica
Effects on the economic and sustainable development and on the poverty and social inequality»»»
Remeikiene, Rita
Gaspareniene, Ligita
Frontierele justitiei : dizabilitate, nationalitate, apartenenta de specie2021»»»
Nussbaum, Martha C.
Dinga, Emil
Ionescu, Gabriela-Mariana
Pirvulescu, Cristian
Inegalitatea economica si principiul diferentei»»»
Ionescu, Gabriela-Mariana
Introduction : we have the tools to reverse the rise in inequality»»»
Blanchard, Olivier
Rodrik, Dani
Longevitate si educatie : reducerea inegalitatilor la nivel mondial»»»
Eberstadt, Nicholas
Marele proces de egalizare a conditiilor de trai»»»
Delsol, Jean-Philippe
Moderarea inegalitatilor de venit : schimbarea in economie2020»»»
Jianu, Ionut
Monetary policy and the well-being of the poor»»»
Romer, Christina Duckworth
Romer, David Hibbard
Blinder, Alan S.
Money makes the world go 'round?»»»
Lohan, Cillian
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Overview panel»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Past and prospective causes of high unemployment»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Phelps, Edmund Strother
Pissarides, Christopher A.
Progress and poverty : an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions and of increase of want with increase of wealth : the remedy[s.a.]»»»
George, Henry
Putting an end to the reign of financial illusion : for real growth2022»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
Rewriting the rules of the European economy : an agenda for growth and shared prosperity2020»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Dougherty, Carter
Setter, Ernst
Saracie, inegalitate si protectie sociala2000»»»
Tesliuc, Cornelia Mihaela
Pop, Lucia
Stratificarea sociala in Romania rurala»»»
Dumitru, Mihai
The dawn of everything : a new history of humanity2021»»»
Graeber, David
Wengrow, David
The distribution of income in industrialized countries»»»
Atkinson, Anthony Barnes
Katz, Lawrence F.
Visco, Ignazio
The skewing of America»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Time for socialism : dispatches from a world on fire, 2016-20212021»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Couper, Kristin
Unde sunt "super-bogatii" din 1987?»»»
Rallo, Juan Ramon
Wealth inequality and politics»»»
Ansell, Ben
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