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Accounting for derivatives : advanced hedging under IFRS2007»»»
Ramirez, Juan
Active financiare derivate : determinari cantitative2001»»»
Stroe, Radu
Arsene, Catalin
Focseneanu, Grigore
Advanced derivatives pricing and risk management : theory, tools and hands-on programming applications2006»»»
Albanese, Claudio
Campolieti, Giuseppe
Advances in international investments : traditional and alternative approaches2008»»»
Fung, Hung-Gay
Xu, Xiaoqing Eleanor
Yau, Jot
An introduction to financial option valuation : mathematics, stochastics and computation2004»»»
Higham, Desmond J.
Aurul nebunilor : cum a intinat lacomia nesabuita un vis, cum a spulberat pietele globale si cum a declansat catastrofa2011»»»
Tett, Gillian
Oprea, Dorina
Business of banking2002»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Business of banking Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Business of banking Volume 1 The banking system : components, characteristics and operations2002»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Business of banking Volume 2 Banking in the international environment2002»»»
Georgescu-Golosoiu, Ligia
Capital markets, derivatives, and the law : evolution after crisis2014»»»
Rechtschaffen, Alan N.
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Capitalul firmei1998»»»
Hoanta, Nicolaie
Consideratii privind inovatiile financiare si impactul acestora asupra sistemului financiar2009»»»
Apostoaie, Constantin-Marius
Contabilitatea si gestiunea instrumentelor financiare2019»»»
Vilcu, Vasilica
Criveanu, Maria
Credit correlation : theory and practice2017»»»
Elouerkhaoui, Youssef
Credit derivative made simple2003»»»
Hughston, Lane
Turnbull, Stuart M.
Credit derivatives : a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments2006»»»
Chacko, George
Sjoman, Anders
Motohashi, Hideto
Dessain, Vincent
Credit derivatives : the definitive guide2003»»»
Gregory, Jon
Credit derivatives and credit linked notes2000»»»
Das, Satyajit
Credit risk measurement and management : disruption and evolution2019»»»
Levy, Amnon
Zhang, Jing
Almeida, Mark E.
Credit risk pricing models : theory and practice : with 101 figures and 65 tables2004»»»
Schmid, Bernd
Derivative : inginerie financiara : teorie si practica2002»»»
Wilmott, Paul
Derivative markets and financial system soundness1997»»»
Folkerts-Landau, David
Garber, Peter
Derivative securities2006»»»
Caracota-Dimitriu, Maria
Baltaret, Andreea
Derivatives and systemic risk : friend or foe?2009»»»
Briault, Clive
Derivatives basics2000»»»
Malz, Allan M.
Discounting, LIBOR, CVA and funding : interest rate and credit pricing2012»»»
Kenyon, Chris
Stamm, Roland
Documentation for derivatives : Annotated sample agreements and confirmations for swaps and other over-the-counter transactions2002»»»
Gooch, Anthony C.
Klein, Linda B.
Financial markets and institutions2003»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Eakins, Stanley G.
Financial markets and institutions2000»»»
Howells, Peter
Bain, Keith
Financial markets and institutions2000»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Eakins, Stanley G.
Financial risk manager handbook2005»»»
Jorion, Philippe
Finante internationale1997»»»
Gaftoniuc, Simona
Finante internationale2000»»»
Gaftoniuc, Simona
Finantele si societatea buna2014»»»
Shiller, Robert J.
Nistor, Smaranda
Fixed income mathematics : analytical and statistical techniques2006»»»
Fabozzi, Frank J.
Foreign exchange option pricing : a practitioner's guide2011»»»
Clark, Iain J.
Foundations of global financial markets and institutions2019»»»
Fabozzi, Frank J.
Jones, Frank J.
Fabozzi, Francesco A.
Mann, Steven V.
Fundamentals of futures and options markets2008»»»
Hull, John C.
Fundamentals of investment : a practitioner's guide2019»»»
O'Loughlin, Brian
O'Brien, Frank
Gestiunea portofoliului de valori mobiliare2009»»»
Dragota, Victor
Dragota, Ingrid-Mihaela
Damian, Oana-Alexandra
Stoian, Andreea
Mitrica, Eugen
Lacatus, Carmen-Maria
Manate, Daniel
Tatu, Lucian
Handoreanu, Catalina-Adriana
Gestiunea riscului in afacerile internationale2009»»»
Paun, Cristian
Radu, Elena
Households and their financial behaviour»»»
Andreasch, Michael
Implementing Bagehot's rule in a world of derivatives: the Banque de France as a lender of last resort in the nineteenth century2011»»»
White, Eugene N.
Instrumente financiare derivate : o abordare practica2020»»»
Dumitrescu, Bogdan Andrei
Interest rate management2010»»»
Zagst, Rudi
International finance : new players and global markets2021»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
International finance regulation : the quest for financial stability2014»»»
Ugeux, Georges
Introducere in studiul produselor financiare derivative2001»»»
Hoon, Chong Siew
Rogers, Keith
Kaplan, Charles
Introduction to derivative financial instruments : options, futures, forwards, swaps, and hedging2008»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
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