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"Utilitatea" si deficientele studiilor actuale despre antropologia/antropologiile islamului»»»
Bosca, Loredana Cornelia
A gold coin of Rasultegin, Seljuk ruler in Fars»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
A hoard of Seljuq dirhams»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Antropologiile Islamului : dimensiuni filosofico-religioase si economice2021»»»
Bosca, Loredana Cornelia
Avutia religiilor : economia politica a credintei si apartenentei religioase2022»»»
McCleary, Rachel M.
Barro, Robert Joseph
Nichita, Teodora
Deliu, Victoria
Aligica, Dragos-Paul
Beyond Brady : toward a strategy for debt reduction»»»
Islam, Shafiqul
Brand culture, halal and the critical Islamic imperative»»»
Wilson, Jonathan A. J.
Byzantine tetartera and Islamic dinars»»»
Ehrenkreutz, Andrew S.
- Descriere: p. 183-190
- ISBN: -
Categorii etico-religioase in filosofia economiei islamice»»»
Bosca, Loredana Cornelia
Ciocnirea civilizatiilor si refacerea ordinii mondiale[1998]»»»
Huntington, Samuel P.
Carp, Radu
Motoc, Iulia
Coinage and history of the Islamic world1990»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Cribb, Joe E.
Critica economiei conventionale si a paradigmei homo oeconomicus in filosofia economiei islamice»»»
Bosca, Loredana Cornelia
Determinants of inflation in the Islamic Republic of Iran : a macroeconomic analysis2001»»»
Liu, Olin
Adedeji, Olumuyiwa S.
Dictionar de civilizatie musulmana1997»»»
Thoraval, Yves
Din majoritari si stapani la minoritari, supusi loiali ai statului roman : turcii si tatarii dobrogeni : 1878-1913»»»
Dumitrascu, Lavinia
Early Islamic mint output : a preliminary inquiry into the methodology and application of the "coin-die count" method : prepared by a seminar at the University of Michigan»»»
Ehrenkreutz, Andrew S.
- Descriere: p. 212-241
- ISBN: -
Economic history and religion»»»
Murray, John E.
Exchange rate unification, the equilibrium real exchange rate, and the choice of exchange rate regime : the case of Islamic Republic of Iran2001»»»
Sundararajan, V.
Lazare, Michel
Williams, Sherwyn E.
Exploring the gift-giving rituals of the new middle-class consumers in a muslim society»»»
Belbag, Aybegum Gungordu
Feudalism in Syria : an Ayyubid silver hoard»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Financial resources for industrial projects in developing countries : industrial investment and financing series. Volume 1 : International and regional institutions, institutions in industrialized countries, Arab institutions with international operations, Islamic institutions, and associations of development finance institutions1983»»»
Dobrescu, Paul
Globalisation of financial reporting: an Islamic focus»»»
Nasir, Norita Mohd
Zainol, Aniza
- Descriere: p. 261-274
- ISBN: -
Islamic banking2012»»»
Karwowski, Ewa
Islamic banking2003»»»
Dar, Humayon A.
Presley, John R.
Islamic banking : a review of the empirical literature and future research directions»»»
Boubakri, Narjess
Chen, Ruiyuan (Ryan)
Guedhami, Omrane
Li, Xinming
Islamic development bank : a new approach to financing economic development»»»
Keilany, Ziad
Islamic securities exchanges : principles and international developments»»»
Marar, Amr
Sau-Ngan, Wong
Islamic securities exchanges: principles and international developments»»»
Marar, Amr
Thani, Nik Norzrul
Hashim, Lily Adelina
L'art musulman»»»
Redzic, Husref
La solvabilite des banques islamiques : forces et faiblesses»»»
Hassoune, Anouar
- Descriere: No. 72, 2003, p. 277-297
- ISBN: -
Le Coran1925»»»
Mahomed, Profetul
Montet, Edouard
- Descriere: 270 p. ; 19 cm
- ISBN: -
Les premieres monnaies artuqides : une exhumation tardive»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Monetary change and economic history in the medieval Muslim world1992»»»
Ehrenkreutz, Andrew S.
Bacharach, Jere L.
Monetary operations and government debt management under Islamic banking2001»»»
Sundararajan, V.
Marston, David
Shabsigh, Ghiath
Necessity of digitalization in the capital market of developing countries in current pandemic situation : the case of Balgladesh»»»
Sohrab Uddin, S. M.
Islam, Moinul ANM
Rahat, Mohammad Robaitur
Penser l'Europe = A gandi Europa2013»»»
Montbrial, Thierry de
Simion, Eugen
Perioada 1400-1457 : monedele islamice»»»
Nicolae, Eugen
Provocarile viitorului : principalele tendinte care vor reconfigura lumea in urmatorii 5, 10, 20 de ani2010»»»
Canton, James
Cojocaru, Iustina
Razboi, pace si comert in Islam : Tarile romane si dreptul otoman al popoarelor2013»»»
Panaite, Viorel
Reflections on regional development finance and intercountry project financing approach to integration in the Arab world»»»
Imady, Mohammed
S-a convertit la Islam Captivus Septemcastrensis alias Georgius de Hungaria?»»»
Fenesan, Cristina
Secolul VIII-mijlocul secolului XIII : monedele islamice»»»
Boldureanu, Ana
Nicolae, Eugen
Secularizarea societatii»»»
Schlegel, Jean-Louis
Shaken and stirred: explaining growth volatility2001»»»
Easterly, William Russell
Islam, Roumeen
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
The Middle East in Islamic late antiquity»»»
Kennedy, Hugh
The legal framework of islamic banking: Pakistan's experience1994»»»
Murvat, Sardad Khan
The mansuri and the mahdawi dirham : two additions to Sauvaire's 'Materiaux'»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
The mint of San'a' : a historical outline»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
The religious, the royal and the popular in the figural coinage of the Jazira»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
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