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A general history of Europe : 350-19001907»»»
Thatcher, Oliver J.
Schwill, Ferdinand
Hassall, Arthur
A smaller ancient history of the East : from the earliest times to the conquest by Alexander the Great : including Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, Persia, Asia Minor, and Phoenicia1895»»»
Smith, Philip
Coined : the rich life of money and how its history has shaped us2015»»»
Sehgal, Kabir
Money-changing : an introduction to foreign exchange1921»»»
Withers, Hartley
Raw material : some characters and episodes among working lads1905»»»
Bottome, Phyllis
The New Palgrave : a Dictionary of Economics1987»»»
Eatwell, John
Milgate, Murray
Newman, Peter
The country banker : his clients, cares, and work : from an experience of forty years1902»»»
Rae, George
The deficit myth : modern monetary theory and how to build a better economy2020»»»
Kelton, Stephanie
The meaning of money1937»»»
Withers, Hartley
Three lectures on the transmission of the precious metals from country to country and the mercantile theory of wealth delivered before The University of Oxford in June 18271830»»»
Nassau, William, Senior
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