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Cause and effect of financial access : cross-country evidence from the FinScope surveys2013»»»
Honohan, Patrick
King, Michael
Contrasting approaches to central bank independence : Australia and New Zealand»»»
King, Michael
Scurta istorie a timpului : de la Big Bang la gaurile negre1995»»»
Hawking, Stephen W.
Ciodaru, Michaela
The Bank of Canada's pursuit of price stability : reputation as an alternative to independence : the experience of the Bank of Canada suggests that legal independece and specific mandate of price stability may not be necessary to gain policy credibility»»»
King, Michael
The New Lady of Threeneedle Street : independence for the Bank of England arose from a mixture of high ideas, low politics and good timing : Michael King, from the London School of Economics, traces the course of events»»»
King, Michael
The politics of central bank independence : in this first of a series of articles, Michael King from London School of Economics analysis the reasons why politicians decide to give the central bank independence when they do»»»
King, Michael
Vouchers for private schooling in Colombia : evidence from a randomized natural experiment»»»
Angrist, Joshua D.
Bettinger, Eric
Bloom, Erik
King, Elizabeth
Kremer, Michael
- Descriere: volume 92, number 5, December 2002, p. 1535-1558
- ISBN: -
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