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A note on Ortega Reichert's "A sequential game with information flow"»»»
Board, Simon
Klemperer, Paul D.
Auction theory : a guide to the literature»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
Auctions versus negotiations»»»
Bulow, Jeremy
Klemperer, Paul D.
Auctions with almost common values : "The Wallet Game" and its applications»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
Dissolving a partnership efficiently»»»
Cramton, Peter
Gibbons, Robert
Klemperer, Paul D.
Rational frenzies and crashes»»»
Bulow, Jeremy
Klemperer, Paul D.
Supply function equilibria in oligopoly under uncertainty»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
Meyer, Margaret A.
The biggest auction ever : the sale of the British 3G Telecom licences»»»
Binmore, Ken
Klemperer, Paul D.
- Descriere: Vol. 112, No. 478, March 2002, p. C74-C96
- ISBN: -
The economic theory of auctions2000»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
The economic theory of auctions Volume 12000»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
The economic theory of auctions Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
The economic theory of auctions Volume 22000»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
The generalized war of attrition»»»
Bulow, Jeremy
Klemperer, Paul D.
Using and abusing economic theory2004»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
What really matters in auction design»»»
Klemperer, Paul D.
- Descriere: Vol. 16, no. 1, Winter 2002, p. 169-189
- ISBN: -
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