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Balkan economic history, 1550-1950 : from imperial borderlands to developing nations1982»»»
Lampe, John R.
Jackson, Marvin R.
Capital markets and economic integration in South-East Europe, 1919-89 : lessons from western banking in the two Yugoslavias»»»
Lampe, John R.
Crisis and renewal in twentieth century banking : exploring the history and archives of banking at times of political and social stress2004»»»
Green, Edwin
Lampe, John R.
Stiblar, Franjo
Originile inapoierii in Europa de Est : economie si politica din Evul Mediu pana la inceputul secolului al XX-lea2004»»»
Adanir, Fikret
Brenner, Robert
Chirot, Daniel
Gunst, Peter
Kochanowicz, Jacek
Lampe, John R.
Stokes, Gale
Rizescu, Victor
South-East European banks and Western banking: 20th-century connections and crises»»»
Lampe, John R.
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