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A brief comparison of the Eurosystem, the US Federal Reserve System, and the Bank of Japan2005»»»
Gerdesmeier, Dieter
Lichtenberger, Jung-Duk
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Are euro area economic structures changing?»»»
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Papadopoulos, Georgios
Reinhold, Elisa
- Descriere: p. 47-72
- ISBN: -
Elements of the Euro area : integrating financial markets2005»»»
Berg, Jesper
Grande, Mauro
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Euro area growth and European institutional reforms»»»
Comunale, Mariarosaria
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Monetary unification and the single market2003»»»
Gaspar, Vitor
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
The OCA theory and the path to EMU»»»
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
The euro at ten - lessons and challenges : Fifth ECB Central Banking Conference, 13-14 November 20082009»»»
Mackowiak, Bartosz
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Noblet, Gilles
Smets, Frank
The euro at ten - unfullfilled threats and unexpected challenges2009»»»
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Wyplosz, Charles
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