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A monetary policy strategy in good and bad times : lessons from the recent past»»»
Fahr, Stephan
Motto, Roberto
Rostagno, Massimo
Smets, Frank
Tristani, Oreste
- Descriere: No. 74, April 2013, p. 245-288
- ISBN: -
Lessons for monetary policy strategies from the recent past2011»»»
Fahr, Stephan
Motto, Roberto
Rostagno, Massimo
Smets, Frank
Tristani, Oreste
Monetary policy in times of crisis : a tale of two decades of the European Central Bank2021»»»
Rostagno, Massimo
Altavilla, Carlo
Carboni, Giacomo
Lemke, Wolfgang
Motto, Roberto
Saint Guilhem, Arthur
Yiangou, Jonathan
Two reasons why money and credit may be useful in monetary policy2008»»»
Christiano, Lawrence J.
Motto, Roberto
Rostagno, Massimo
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