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Banking reform in South East European countries in the light of the Central European experience2002»»»
Dilova-Kirkowa, Sonya
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Bankruptcy procedures, corporate governance and banks' credit policy in Croatia, Estonia and Poland2005»»»
Kowalski, Tadeusz
Kraft, Evan
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Vensel, Vello
Wihlborg, Clas
Convergence between the financial systems of EU memmer states and applicant transition economies2001»»»
Murinde, Victor
Agung, Juda
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Economic performance and financial sector reform in Central and Eastren Europe : capital flows, bank and entreprise restructuring1998»»»
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Green, Christopher J.
Financial and monetary integration in the new Europe2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Financial integration between the EU and the economies of Central and eastren Europe : an overview2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Financing small and medium-sized entreprises in Poland, 1989-1994 : an empirical investigation of credit rationing1998»»»
Pawlowska, Agata E.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Globalization and convergence of banking systems2003»»»
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Murinde, Victor
Handbook of international banking2003»»»
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Murinde, Victor
Introductory overview : issues surronding bank and entreprise restucturing in Central and Eastern Europe1998»»»
Murinde, Victor
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Macroeconomic policy and capital flows: evidence from transforming economies of Central and Eastern Europe1998»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Reforming the traditional structure of a central bank to cope with the Asian financial crisis : lessons from the Bank of Thailand2003»»»
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Murinde, Victor
Pinijkulviwat, Adisorn
The Asian financial crisis and lessons from CEE economies2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
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