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Accounting for reserves : John Nugee highlights the disparities in alternative accounting treatment of external reserves : portfolio management decisions increasingly have to take these into account, with unforeseen consequences for markets»»»
Nugee, John
Beware fads and fashions : the latest in accounting standards will not deliver good central banking John Nugee»»»
Nugee, John
Computer support for reserve managers : deciding on the right level of computer support for reserve managers in a world of fast-changing technology often make it preferable to outsource some IT provision, says John Nugee, former head of reserve management at the Bank of England, and now at State Street Bank»»»
Nugee, John
Lookouts for financial instability : can a central bank's dealers help with market surveillance? Tim Young and John Nugee point to some of the difficulties and possible remedies»»»
Young, Tim
Nugee, John
- Descriere: volume 15, number 4, May 2005, p. 69-72
- ISBN: -
Modern central bank reserves management : introduction and overview»»»
Nugee, John
Risk systems in central bank reserves management2004»»»
Dwyer, Mark
Nugee, John
The new dilemma facing the central banks : central bankers have been praised for low inflation but how much credit do they deserve ? as the global economy takes a turn for the worse, we will soon find out says John Nugee»»»
Nugee, John
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