Fondul de carte al Bibliotecii BNR se regăsește integral în catalogul on-line.
Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Agile Oracle Application Express2012»»»
Cimolini, Patrick
Cannell, Karen
Baze de date Oracle : limbajul SQL2005»»»
Lungu, Ion
Beginning Oracle Application Express 42011»»»
Gault, Doug
Cannell, Karen
Cimolini, Patrick
D'Souza, Martin
St. Hilaire, Timothy
Culegere de probleme in Oracle2005»»»
Muntean, Mihaela
Expert Oracle application express2011»»»
Scott, John
Aust, Dietmar
D'Souza, Martin
Gault, Doug
Gielis, Dimitri
Hartman, Roel
Hichwa, Michael
Kennedy, Sharon
Kubicek, Denes
Mattamal, Raj
McGhan, Dan
Mignault, Francis
Nielsen, Anton
- Descriere: XXVIII, 590 p. ; 24 cm
- ISBN: 9781430235125
New York
L'oracle et le clou»»»
Sturgeon, Theodore
Jayat, Chantal
Limbajul SQL in Oracle si Visual FoxPro2007»»»
Horga, Mihaela
Radu, Valentin
Coman, Marius
Barbu Vacaresteanu, Nicoleta
Oracle JDeveloper 10g for forms and PL/SQL developers2007»»»
Koletzke, Peter
Mills, Duncan
Job, Christophe
Oracle JDeveloper 10g handbook2004»»»
Roy-Faderman, Avrom
Koletzke, Peter
Dorsey, Paul
Job, Christophe
Oracle application express 4.0 with Ext JS2011»»»
Lancaster, Mark
Oracle application express forms converter : a migration guide using the APEX conversion utility : convert your Oracle forms applications to Oracle APEX successfully2009»»»
van den Bos, Douwe Pieter
Oracle database 10g Linux administration2005»»»
Whalen, Edward
Oracle database 10g XML & SQL : design, build & manage XML applications in Java, C, C++ & PL/SQL2004»»»
Scardina, Mark V.
Chang, Ben
Wang, Jinyu
Oracle high-performance SQL tuning2001»»»
Burleson, Donald K.
Oracles, heroes or villains : economic policymakers, national politicians and the power to shape markets2019»»»
Shambaugh, George E.
Proximal-ACCPM: a versatile oracle based optimisation method»»»
Babonneau, Frederic
Beltran, Cesar
Haurie, Alain
Tadonki, Claude
Vial, Jean-Philippe
- Descriere: p. 67-90
- ISBN: -
SQL dialecte DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL si SQL Server2009»»»
Fotache, Marin
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