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Ageing and financial stability2010»»»
Davis, E. Philip
Ageing and international capital flows2010»»»
Borsch-Supan, Axel
Ludwig, Alexander
Winter, Joachim
Ageing and saving in Europe2010»»»
Brugiavini, Agar
Ageing as a challenge for economic policy2010»»»
Ageing, financial markets and monetary policy2010»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Herrmann, Heinz
Aging population and the scope for adjustment in the Slovenian labor market2009»»»
Kajzer, Alenka
An overview of pension, labor market and financial market reforms in Southeastern Europe2009»»»
Kidric, Dusan
Analiza evolutiilor si politicilor sociale in UE in ultimii trei ani : pensii suplimentare/private si impactul imbatranirii populatiei = The analysis of the evolution of EU social policies in the last three years : supplementary/private pensions and the impact of an ageing population2012»»»
Vasile, Valentina
Tache, Ileana
Tudor, Cristiana
Volintiru, Clara Alexandra
Oneasca, Iulian
Dragan, Gabriela
Conjunctura pietei mondiale a asigurarilor - 19992000»»»
Constantinescu, Dan Anghel
Dobrin, Marinica
Contemporary issues and challenges in a supplementary pension system : the case of Slovenia2009»»»
Berk, Ales S.
Danielou Charles. La marine marchande. Paris et Bruxelles, Eugene Figuiere, 1927, 286 p. : [recenzie]»»»
Iordachescu, V. Th.
Decreased employment and pensions : the case of Hungary2009»»»
Augusztinovics, Maria
Kollo, Janos
Designing a regulatory framework for pension reform and development of financial markets : the Estonian experience2009»»»
Lillelaid, Tonu
Tali, Veiko
Auvaart, Thomas
Developments in decumulation : the role of annuity products in financing retirement2010»»»
Mitchell, Olivia
Drumul catre senectute : (Pinochet vs Bismarck)»»»
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
Entitlement reforms in Europe: policy mixes in the current pension reform process»»»
Borsch-Supan, Axel
Wise, David A.
Europe's growth challenge2017»»»
Aslund, Anders
Djankov, Simeon
European pension reform2009»»»
Bontout, Olivier
Fischer, Georg
Evolutii macroeconomice, demografice si reforma pensiilor : studii selectate privind tranzitia in Romania2009»»»
Grigorescu, Constantin
Fiscal implications of population aging2009»»»
Bajuk, Andrej
Guidance notes for the policy panels2009»»»
Holzmann, Robert
How pension reforms are changing financial systems2010»»»
Linking pension reform and financial market development : the experience of Latin America2009»»»
Iglesias, Augusto
Linking pension reform to labor and financial market reforms : an introduction2009»»»
Holzmann, Robert
Live longer, work longer : making it happen in the labor market2009»»»
Vodopivec, Milan
Dolenc, Promoz
New social risks, the life course and social policy2009»»»
Bovenberg, A. Lans
Pensii private2005»»»
Dobrescu, Smaranda
Seitan, Mihai
Pension funds and prospects for reforming the Russian pension system as a condition for the qualitative implementation of the state's social policy»»»
Bolonin, Aleksei
Pension reform : broad context and perspective2009»»»
Caprirolo, Gonzalo C.
Pension reform in Southeastern Europe : linking to labor and financial market reform2009»»»
Holzmann, Robert
MacKellar, Landis
Repansek, Jana
Pension reform: what lessons from Italy?»»»
Franco, Daniele
Pensions : arresting a race to the bottom»»»
Panageas, Stavros
Tinios, Platon
Post-war fiscal traps»»»
Lindert, Peter H.
Preparing the financial market for an aging population : the case pf the FYR Macedonia2009»»»
Apostolka, Zorica
Preparing the labor market for an aging population : designing public policy to increase labor force participation2009»»»
Burtless, Gary
Produse si servicii financiare2009»»»
Nedelescu, Mihai
Stanescu, Cristina
Reconceptualizing financial innovation : frame, conjuncture and bricolage»»»
Engelen, Ewald
Erturk, Ismail
Froud, Julie
Leaver, Adam
Williams, Karel
Reforma sistemului public de pensii2003»»»
Grigorescu, Constantin
Reforming the Slovenian Pension system : some guidelines and intergenerational distribution issues2009»»»
Grobovsek, Jan K.
Kozamernik, Damjan
Retirement reform in a mature welfare state : the Danish experience2009»»»
Haagen Pedersen, Lars
Retirement savings in an ageing society : a case for innovative government debt management2010»»»
Bohn, Henning
Romania : de la Marea Unire la integrarea europeana : dezbateri, provocari, perspective2020»»»
Stefanachi, Bogdan
Muraru, Alexandru
Romania sub tirania celor mici!2002»»»
Serbanescu, Ilie
Should monetary policy be different in a greyer world?2010»»»
Miles, David
Social security»»»
Kopits, George
Statul social intre negare si redefinirea capacitatilor sale : sistemele de pensii intre PAYG si finantarea integrala[2013]»»»
Papuc, Razvan-Mihail
Tendinte in evolutia asigurarilor sociale din Romania»»»
Marginean, Ioan
The Slovenian pension system in the context of upcoming demographic developments2009»»»
Majcen, Boris
Verbic, Miroslav
The benefits of flexible funding: implications for pension reform in an uncertain world2001»»»
Orszag, J. Michael
Orszag, Peter R.
The pension system and employment of older workers : how to change the incentive structure - the Polish experience2009»»»
Chlon Dominczak, Agnieszka
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