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A brave new world? : the future of banking in emerging Europe : rethinking size, structure, ownership, policies and incentives : Conference co-organized by the Bank of Albania and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), October 11th, 2019 = Nje bote e re e guximshme? : e ardhmja e bankingut ne vendet evropiane ne zhvillim : rikonceptimi i permases, struktures, pronesise, politikave dhe incentivave te tij : Konferenca Vjetore e Bankes se Shqiperise, organizuar ne bashkepunim [...]2019»»»
Sejko, Gent
Picaper, Jean-Paul
Cat de realista este tintirea inflatiei in contextul actual din Romania?»»»
Lungu, Laurian
Central banks at a crossroads : what can we learn from history?2016»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Flandreau, Marc
Qvigstad, Jan Fredrik
Die Wahrungskrise 1971 : Politische, okonomische und ideologische Ursachen»»»
Robbins, Lionel
Hankel, Wilhelm
Weizsacker, Carl Christian von
Haberler, Gottfried
Magnifico, Giovanni
Leveque, Jean-Maxime
Schweizer, Samuel
Griffiths, Brian
Neumark, Fritz
Kaldor, Nicholas
Damm, Walter
Barre, Raymond
Enlargement and the international role of the Euro»»»
Cohen, Benjamin J.
Europaische Integration, Weltwirtschaft und Weltwahrungsordnung»»»
Robbins, Lionel
Europe - Etats Units - Japon : partenaires ou rivaux? : (resume)»»»
Damm, Walter
European democracies1995»»»
Steiner, Jurg
Financial markets and institutions : a European perspective2020»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Schoenmaker, Dirk
Wierts, Peter J.
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Knowing Romania : member of the European Union2008»»»
Legal continuity and change : two Russian revolutions and Perestroika through the prism of Kelsen's Grundnorm and Hart's Secondary Rules»»»
Taitslin, Anna
Piata unica la 30 ani = Single market at 302023»»»
Dijmarescu, Eugen
Moagar-Poladian, Simona
Radulescu, Andrei
Christova-Balkanska, Iskra
Oehler-Sincai, Iulia Monica
Cerna, Silviu
Mihailovici, Gabriela
Avram, Alina-Cerasela
Fugaru, Amalia
Curca, Sorin-Nicolae
Politica fiscal-bugetara si piata de capital2018»»»
Anghelache, Gabriela-Victoria
Jakova, Stela
Oanea, Dumitru-Cristian
Research handbook on central banking2018»»»
Conti-Brown, Peter
Lastra, Rosa Maria
Romania intregita : 1918-1928 : aspecte ale consolidarii statale2019»»»
Pasaila, Vasile
Sisteme politice contemporane : forme de guvernare in 29 de state2010»»»
Radu, Alexandru
The political economy of public finance since the 1970s : questioning the Leviathan»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Daunton, Martin
Nutzenadel, Alexander
Understanding central banks2019»»»
Herger, Nils
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