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"Belgia Orientului" si caile ferate : motivele unei comparatii : constructia politica a statului-natiune in Parlamentul roman : (1866-1871)»»»
Beke, Philippe
A brief overview of financial accounts and balance sheets»»»
Fano, Daniele
A history of European economic thought2022»»»
Magliulo, Antonio
A history of big recessions in the long twentieth century2020»»»
Solimano, Andres
A monetary and fiscal history of the United States, 1961-20212022»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
Activist fiscal policy to stabilize economic activity»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Gale, William
Hubbard, R. Glenn
Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus
Aid, growth, the incentive regime and poverty reduction»»»
Burnside, Craig
Dollar, David
Asset prices, booms and recessions : financial economics from a dynamic perspective2011»»»
Semmler, Willi
Austerity : when it works and when it doesn't2019»»»
Alesina, Alberto
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
Giavazzi, Francesco
Bank-industry versus stock market-industry relationships2023»»»
Garcia-Ruiz, Jose Luis
Vasta, Michelangelo
Causes of decling growth»»»
Darby, Michael R.
Central Europe : the way forward»»»
Nuti, Domenico Mario
Portes, Richard
Ciclul afacerilor si crizele economice : cine sunt vinovatii?»»»
Marinescu, Cosmin Stefan
Glavan, Bogdan
Cicluri economice... : disertatie sustinuta cu ocazia decernarii titlului de Doctor Honoris Causa al Universitatii Politehnica : Bucuresti, 18 octombrie 2013»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Comertul exterior al tarilor din Europa Centrala si de Est in perioada de tranzitie»»»
Diaconescu, Mirela
Common fallacies about capitalism»»»
Branden, Nathaniel
Confronting financial crises under different monetary regimes : Spain in the Great Depression years»»»
Castaneda, Juan E.
Schwartz, Pedro
Customer markets and financial frictions : implications for inflation dynamics»»»
Gilchrist, Simon
Zakrajsek, Egon
Klenow, Peter J.
Dezvoltarea economica si criza sistemului valutar»»»
Patan, Iosif
Economia Romaniei in anii Centenarului»»»
Albu, Lucian-Liviu
Anghelache, Constantin
Badea, Leonardo
Economia in vremea coronavirusului : ghid de bune practici pentru antreprenori si politicile publice2020»»»
Guda, Iancu
Economic growth and sectoral developments during the transition period, 1990-2008»»»
Voskoboynikov, Ilya
Efectele crizei si perspectivele redresarii economice : volum de contributii stiintifice : aria tematica Uniunea Economica si Monetara din cadrul proiectului Performanta si excelenta in cercetarea postdoctorala in domeniul stiintelor economice din Romania contract POSDRU/89/1.5/S/591842013»»»
Anghelache, Gabriela-Victoria
Dardac, Nicolae
Campeanu, Emilia-Mioara
Catrina, Ion Lucian
Costea, Adrian
Ionascu, Mihaela
Moinescu, Bogdan-Gabriel
Obreja Brasoveanu, Laura
Pele, Daniel Traian
Sacala, Mihail Dumitru
Serban, Florentin
Socol, Aura-Gabriela
Stoian, Andreea
Emerging Europe and the great recession2018»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Epilogue : the economic crises of the last century : a Spanish perspective»»»
Martin-Mesa, Antonio
Europe's impossible dream : July 20, 2015»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
European regional policy and development : forgotten regions and spaces2024»»»
Sanchez-Carreira, Maria del Carmen
Mourao, Paulo Jorge Reis
Blanco-Varela, Bruno
Evolutia situatiei economice actuale in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene din Europa Centrala si de Est : Estonia»»»
Popa, Nicoleta
Evolutia situatiei economice actuale in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene din Europa Centrala si de Est : Letonia»»»
Salagean, Dragos
Extreme events in socio-economic and political complex systems, predictability of»»»
Keilis-Borok, Vladimir
Soloviev, Alexandre
Lichtman, Allan
Grade de libertate in calibrarea politicii monetare : prelegere sustinuta cu ocazia conferintei "ASE 100", organizata de Academia de Studii Economice, Bucuresti, 27 martie 2013»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Handbook of macroeconomics2008-2016»»»
Taylor, John B.
Woodford, Michael
Uhlig, Harald
Handbook of macroeconomics Volume 1A2008»»»
Taylor, John B.
Woodford, Michael
Handbook of macroeconomics Volume 1A - Volume 2B»»»
Taylor, John B.
Uhlig, Harald
Handbook of macroeconomics Volume 1B2008»»»
Taylor, John B.
Woodford, Michael
Handbook of macroeconomics Volume 1C2008»»»
Taylor, John B.
Woodford, Michael
Handbook of macroeconomics Volume 2A2016»»»
Taylor, John B.
Uhlig, Harald
Handbook of macroeconomics Volume 2B2016»»»
Taylor, John B.
Uhlig, Harald
How to combat recession : stimulus without debt2018»»»
Seidman, Laurence S.
Impactul COVID-19 asupra sistemului educational si managementului organizatiilor»»»
Dobrin, Cosmin
In cadere libera : America, piata libera si prabusirea economiei mondiale2010»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Nistor, Smaranda
Nicolae, Crenguta
Inter-enterprise arrears in a post-command economy : thoughts from a Romanian pesrpective»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Introduction : the making of the European field of development banking»»»
Mertens, Daniel
Thiemann, Matthias
Volberding, Peter
Ramey, Valerie Ann
West, Kenneth D.
Law and macroeconomics : legal remedies to recessions2019»»»
Listokin, Yair
Major economic recessions in the last quarter of the 20th century : the oil crises : (1973-1980)»»»
Vazquez-Farinas, Maria
Modern monetary policy»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Moneda si problemele ei contemporane1981»»»
Jinga, Victor
Moneda si problemele ei contemporane Vol. 11981»»»
Jinga, Victor
Moneda si problemele ei contemporane Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Jinga, Victor
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