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A farewell to alms : a brief economic history of the world2007»»»
Clark, Gregory
An economic history of Europe since 17002017»»»
Zamagni, Vera
Brennen, N. Michael
Apararea militarismului in versiunea reformista : Fritz Sternberg : Revolutia militara si revolutia industriala, Berlin und Frankfurt, 1957, 334 pagini»»»
Stroja, L.
Bank-industry versus stock market-industry relationships2023»»»
Garcia-Ruiz, Jose Luis
Vasta, Michelangelo
David Ricardo in Anglia revolutiei industriale1972»»»
Murgescu, Costin
Daylighting in architecture : a European reference book2010»»»
Baker, N.
Fanchiotti, A.
Steemers, K.
Did French stock markets support firms of the second industrial revolution?»»»
Bonhoure, Emilie
Le Bris, David
Economic history of technological change»»»
Khan, Bibi Zorina
Economie : idei fundamentale2017»»»
Macovescu, Alexandru
Craciun, Adela
Tudor, Gabriel
Kishtainy, Niall
Abbot, George
Fardon, John
Kennedy, Frank
Meadway, James
Wallace, Chris
Weeks, Marcus
El token azucarero cubano[s.a.]»»»
Moreno Fraginals, Manuel
Era capitalului : 1848-18752002»»»
Hobsbawm, Eric
Eric Brynjolfsson si Andrew McAfee. A doua era a masinilor (2014) : [recenzie]»»»
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
History of the circular economy : the historic development of circularity and the circular economy»»»
Stahel, Walter R.
In search of macromarketing history : eighteenth-century England as a case in point»»»
Saphiro, Stanley
Internationalizarea IMM-urile din Romania in perioada pandemiei : insight-uri din sectorul IT&C»»»
Mitan, Andreea
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
Introduction : Financing firms : beyond the dichotomy between banks and markets»»»
Garcia-Ruiz, Jose Luis
Vasta, Michelangelo
Istoria economiei2005»»»
Opritescu, Mihail
Istorie economica1979»»»
Marcu, Nicolae
Puia, I.
Cherciu, A.
Bozga, Vasile
Vasile, Radu
Karl Polanyi. Marea transformare (1944) : [recenzie]»»»
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
La economia espanola : 1893-1993»»»
Tortella, Gabriel
Ortiz-Villajos, Jose Maria
O interesanta culegere de studii despre revolutia industriala : Revolutia industriala, studii. Editura Politica, 1963 : [recenzie]»»»
Nicoara, I.
Revolutia industriala in Rominia»»»
Roman, Valter
- Descriere: An 17, nr. 5, Mai. 1964, p. 88-114
- ISBN: -
Romania si Europa : acumularea decalajelor economice : (1500-2010)2010»»»
Murgescu, Bogdan
StEG : generator de modernitate regionala : (1855-1918)»»»
Graf, Rudolf
Lumperdean, Ioan
The economic history of urbanization»»»
Smith, Fred
The effects of the industrial revolution on women and children»»»
Hessen, Robert
The enlightened economy : Britain and the Industrial Revolution : 1700-18502011»»»
Mokyr, Joel
The evolutionary roots of economic history»»»
Coelho, Philip R. P.
The global economy : a concise history2020»»»
Amatori, Franco
Colli, Andrea
The great transformation : the political and economic origins of our time2001»»»
Polanyi, Karl
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Block, Fred
The history of money for understanding economics : learning from the past to save our future : essay on history2012»»»
Lannoye, Vincent
The little book of economics2020»»»
Kishtainy, Niall
The rise and fall of American growth : the U.S. standard of living since the Civil War2016»»»
Gordon, Robert J.
Transitions to capitalism in early modern Europe : economies in the era of early globalization, c. 1450-c. 18202019»»»
DuPlessis, Robert S.
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