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Evul mediu romanesc : dictionar biografic2010»»»
Marculet, Vasile
Roman, Gabriel
Marculet, Ioan
Ion, Stanel
Boda, Gheorghe
Neagu, Razvan Mihai
Stefanescu, Alexandru V.
Marcu, George
Maximciuc, Elena Gabriela
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis?2014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 12014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 22014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 3 : students' essays2014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
The development of bank lending activities and macroeconomic implications in selective countries from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe2010»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
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