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Asia's bonny bond markets : Asian central banks have been actively promoting domestic bond markets»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Asia's currency in the making? : in the first of two articles on initiatives to develop financial markets in East Asia, Anthony Rowley explains why talk of a regional currency has started to get serious»»»
Rowley, Anthony
- Descriere: volume 15, number 1, August 2004, p. 89-94
- ISBN: -
How Tokyo will market the yen : Anthony Rowley reports from Tokyo on plans to sell the yen as a reserve currency»»»
Rowley, Anthony
- Descriere: volume 15, number 3, February 2005, p. 46-49
- ISBN: -
Japan's debt dilemma : after years of stagnation, Japan's economy is at last stirring : yet rising yields threaten new financial crises»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Kuroda's crusade for the ACU : what's behind the Asian Development Bank's push for a single currency in Asia?»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Launching the Asian bond : despite huge demand for bonds, Asia's debt markets remain nationally focused : Anthony Rowley reports from Tokyo on central-bank led initiatives to launch two Asian bonds funds»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Yen - the only way is down : from Tokyo, Anthony Rowley, a seasoned observer of the Japanese scene, traces Japan's troubles to the "iniquitous" Plaza Accord of 1985 : for Japan to return to equilibrium, the ridiculous overevaluation of the yen imposed on Japan by the West must be fully corrected»»»
Rowley, Anthony
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