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Africa's external debt problem and approaches for its solution»»»
Avika, Gilbert
African business history»»»
Austin, Gareth
Ascensiunea si declinul "legilor generale ale capitalismului"»»»
Acemoglu, Daron
Robinson, James A.
Aspecte ale procesului de formare a natiunilor in conditiile luptei impotriva colonialismului si neocolonialismului»»»
Luca-Boicov, Cristina
Burkina Faso»»»
Bambio, Yiriyibin
Cape Verde»»»
Pop, Georgiana
Dambisa Moyo. Ajutoare paguboase (2010) : [recenzie]»»»
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
Dead aid : why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa2010»»»
Moyo, Dambisa
Ferguson, Niall
Development of collective bargaining in former British and French African countries»»»
Roberts, B. C.
Bellecombe, L. Greyfie de
Du franc CFA au franc CFA : la Banque Centrale des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest, les etats africains et la France : (1955-1962)»»»
Migani, Guia
Emergenta Chinei in Africa : lupta pentru resurse energetice geostrategice»»»
Tache, Stefan
Geda, Alemayehu
Irving, Jacqueline
External financing and debt problems of developing countries : special nature and tackling issues in Nigeria»»»
Ojo, Joshua Ade T.
Facilities for promoting export credits»»»
Kodock, Augustin F.
Timmer, Hans
Ponsot, Frederic
Frica si libertatea : cum ne-a schimbat vietile al Doilea Razboi Mondial2020»»»
Lowe, Keith
Marinescu, Cornelia
Quartey, Peter
Grupari economice din Africa : documentar1975»»»
Dimbu, Emeric
Histoire de l'Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine2000»»»
IPE beyond Western paradigms : China, Africa, and Latin America in comparative perspective»»»
Deciancio, Melisa
Quiliconi, Cintia
Investitiile straine directe (ISD) : tabloul fluxurilor de capital la nivel mondial in perioada 1990-20152021»»»
Andrei, Liviu C.
Andrei, Dalina Maria
Joint ventures and direct investment»»»
Nwankwo, Green Onyekaba
Ngugi, Rose W.
Leapfrogging with NextGen Fintechs and emerging tech for the growth of Africa»»»
Chivunga, Michelle
Major issues of wage policy in Africa»»»
Berg, Elliot J.
Management comparat international2017»»»
Burdus, Eugen
Migrant remittances in Africa : an overview»»»
Mohapatra, Sanket
Ratra, Dilip
Agu, Chukwuma
Operating across levels in the global economic hierarchy : insights from South Africa's setting in wider Africa and the world»»»
Barnard, Helena
Onaji-Benson, Theresa
Options for relieving debt of low income countries»»»
Williams, Maurice
Organizatia Unitatii Africane (O.U.A.) : documentar1974»»»
Zamfirescu, Aurel
Poverty and famines : an essay on entitlement and deprivation2013»»»
Sen, Amartya
Remittance markets in Africa2011»»»
Mohapatra, Sanket
Ratha, Dilip
Cisse, Fatou
Similitudini si particularitati in procesul de geneza si dezvoltare a natiunilor africane»»»
Voiculescu, Marin
Voiculescu, Elena
South Africa»»»
Southall, Roger
Strategies for reduction of L.D.C. indebtedness by an allowance for "inflationary relief"»»»
Kinfu, Johannes
Surveys of African economies1968-1977»»»
Surveys of professionals»»»
Clements, Michael P.
Rich, Robert W.
Tracy, Joseph S.
Synergies between aid and the financing of global public goods : a regional partnership approach»»»
Amoako, K. Y.
Testing theories concerning a subculture of peasantry : comment»»»
Doob, Leonard William
The Oxford handbook of banking2019»»»
Berger, Allen
Molyneux, Philip
Wilson, John O. S.
The analysis of corruption and economic growth in African countries»»»
Owoye, Oluwole
The banking system of South Africa»»»
Arndt, E. H. D.
Richards, C. S.
The case for one hundred percent ownership in foreign investments»»»
Sundelson, J. W.
The constructivist IPE of regionalism in South America»»»
Prieto, German C.
The monetary transmission mechanism in South Africa2005»»»
Smal, Deleen
De Jager, Shaun
Tied loans and the role of banks»»»
Chipimo, E. M.
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