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30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall : turns and twists in economies, politics, and societies in the post-communist countries2020»»»
Akimov, Alexander
Kazakevitch, Gennadi
Gill, Graeme
Bancile de Emisiune si colaborarea economica in Balcani»»»
Ioachim, V. M.
Central and Eastern Europe in the EU : challenges and perspectives under crisis conditions2018»»»
Schweiger, Christian
Visvizi, Anna
Central banking in Eastern Europe2012»»»
Healey, Nigel
Harrison, Barry
Das Geldproblem in Mitteleuropa1925»»»
Hantos, Elemer
Demografia Romaniei2017»»»
Jemna, Danut-Vasile
Demographic change and challenge»»»
Fihel, Agnieszka
Okolski, Marek
Economic growth and environmental quality in a post-pandemic world : new directions in the econometrics of the environmental Kuznets Curve2023»»»
Shahbaz, Muhammad
Balsalobre-Lorente, Daniel
Sharma, Rajesh
Economic history of a divided Europe : four diverse regions in an integrating continent2021»»»
Berend, Ivan T.
Editor's introduction»»»
Morys, Matthias
Foreign-owned banks : the role of ownership in post-communist European countries2018»»»
Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Malgorzata
Bongini, Paola
Smaga, Pawel
Witkowski, Bartosz
Instabilitate financiara, cicluri, politici de stabilizare2023»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Olteanu, Dan Constantin
Kelten im Osten : Gold und Silber der Kelten in Mittel- und Osteuropa : Sammlung Lanz1997»»»
Kostial, Michaela
Overbeck, Bernhard
Lanz, Hubert
Labour markets»»»
Tyrowicz, Joanna
Szewczyk, Peter
Living standards in the very long run : the place of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the divergence debate»»»
Broadberry, Stephen
Malinowski, Mikolaj
Marea Britanie si problema nationalitatilor in Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est : (1914-1918)»»»
Fuscan, Valentin-Ioan
Mihai Viteazul si strategia puterii in relatiile internationale la sfarsitul secolului al XVI-lea»»»
Stefanescu, Stefan
Monarhia de Hohenzollern in contextul relatiilor romano-polone interbelice : proiecte si strategii privind securitatea Europei central-orientale»»»
Hrenciuc, Daniel
Poland's relations with Eastern European countries in 1918-1945 : (Ukraine-Belarus-Estonia-Lithuania-Latvia)»»»
Jedrzejewska, Agnieszka
Present at the transition : an inside look at the role of history, politics, and personalities in post-communist countries2020»»»
Havrylyshyn, Oleh
Promoting financial stability in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Klaus, Vaclav
The ancient Celts2018»»»
Cunliffe, Barry W.
The economic history of Central, East and South-East Europe : 1800 to the present2021»»»
Morys, Matthias
The effect of trade, renewable energy and economic growth on CO2 emissions in Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Leitao, Nuno Carlos
Balsalobre-Lorente, Daniel
Shahbaz, Muhammad
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bank stability and performance in the CEE region»»»
Miklaszewska, Ewa
Kil, Krzysztof
Transition to market : studies in fiscal reform1993»»»
Tanzi, Vito
Tranzitie si criza : analiza comparativa intre tarile Central-Europene si China2024»»»
Maftei, Robert
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