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A shorud of secrecy : a new survey by Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke suggests that wile central banks pay lip service to transparency many of them do not practice it»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Sekerke, Matt
Achizitii publice : aspecte teoretice si practice2021»»»
Dumitrica, Catalin-Daniel
Actualitatea guvernantei in sistemul sportiv si problemele cu care se confrunta»»»
Stan, Sergiu-Vlad
Bernanke on Bernanke : Central Banking selects key remarks on major policy issues by the FED chairman-elect»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Beware fads and fashions : the latest in accounting standards will not deliver good central banking John Nugee»»»
Nugee, John
Blockchain in financial services»»»
Baker, Colleen
Werbach, Kevin
Central Bank of Brazil : investment decision-making in an integrated risk management framework»»»
Ribeiro Damaso Maia, Isabela
Central bank governance and oversight reform2016»»»
Cochrane, John Howland
Taylor, John B.
Central bank independence, accountability, and transparency : a global perspective2009»»»
Laurens, Bernard J.
Arnone, Marco
Segalotto, Jean-Francois
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Central banking as global governance : constructing financial credibility2008»»»
Hall, Rodney Bruce
Central banks and coded language : risks and benefits2011»»»
Muchlinski, Elke
Central banks as economic institutions2008»»»
Touffut, Jean-Philippe
Changing relevance of trust in digital worlds»»»
Osburg, Thomas
Compliance and whistleblowing : how technology will replace, empower and change whistleblowers»»»
Pender, Kieran
Cherkasova, Sofya
Yamaoka-Enkerlin, Anna
Comunicarea bancilor centrale prin intermediul retelelor sociale online : studiu de caz : Banca Nationala a Romaniei2023»»»
Voloc, Ana-Maria-Violeta
Constraining discretion in bank regulation»»»
Haldane, Andrew G.
Controlul Intern al Raportarii Financiare : practici de transparenta si credibilitate bancara2014»»»
Danescu, Andreea Cristina
Conventii fara certitudine : reforma institutionala si transparenta in Romania»»»
Mihailescu, Vintila
- Descriere: p. 101-114
- ISBN: -
Coping with accounting standards and central bank transparency : central bank need to adopt international accounting standards for the sake of transparency : but the standards are generally not conceived with central banks in mind : Joshua Kurtzig, central banking specialist at PricewaterhouseCoopers, explains what central banks can do»»»
Kurtzig, Joshua
Corporate social responsability competences and value cocreation through corporate communication»»»
Belyaeva, Zhanna
Crafting consensus : why central bankers change their speech and how speech changes the economy2020»»»
Baerg, Nicole
Direct inflation targeting : a new monetary policy strategy for Romania»»»
Popa, Cristian, economist, 1964 -
Rosentuler, Surica
Iorga, Elena
Salater, Wilhelm
Sasu, Daniela Ruxandra
Codirlasu, Adrian Ionut
Emission allowances as financial instruments»»»
Annunziata, Filippo
Evolutia situatiei economice actuale in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene din Europa Centrala si de Est : Bulgaria»»»
Sincai-Ohler, Monica
Guvernanta corporativa in managementul financiar al companiei»»»
Dragota, Ingrid-Mihaela
How much accountability for central bank and supervisors? : central banks and governments have had to choose where along the spectrum between accountability and independence they should be positioned : Rosa Lastra descibes the trade-offs involved and explains the place of transparency»»»
Lastra, Rosa Maria
Implementation of the PSD2 in Finland : a nordic view on payment services regulation»»»
Teramaa, Jyri
Interview : Hans Tietmeyer : in a wide-range interview, the former president of the Bundesbank talks with Stephen F. Frowen about the politics of the euro, the work of the Financial Stability Forum and the role of the G-7 in the international debt relief»»»
Tietmeyer, Hans
Frowen, Stephen F.
Liabilities associated with distributed ledgers : a comparative analysis»»»
Zetzsche, Dirk
Buckley, Ross P.
Arner, Douglas W.
Didenko, Anton
Measuring success?»»»
Dexter Lord, Gail
Monetary policy in the information economy»»»
Woodford, Michael
Hall, Robert E.
King, Mervyn A.
More transparency may harm bond markets : more transparency in European bond markets may mean less liquidity according to a recent report»»»
On central banking2016»»»
Qvigstad, Jan Fredrik
Bordo, Michael D.
Frenkel, Jacob A.
PSD2, Brexit and financial regulation of payment system in the UK»»»
D'Alvia, Daniele
Morbee, Katrien
Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo
Participatory exhibitions»»»
Blankenberg, Ngaire
Permanent collection displays»»»
Molineux, Katherine
Raspunsul companiilor romanesti la criza pandemica si tendinte pe termen lung»»»
Oprescu, Claudia
Refinance instruments: lessons from their use in some industrial countries1997»»»
Laurens, Bernard J.
Research handbook on central banking2018»»»
Conti-Brown, Peter
Lastra, Rosa Maria
Risks of market-driven central banks»»»
Socio-historical contexts of anti-institutionalist tendencies in digital media transformation»»»
Bedford-Strohm, Jonas
Stabilirea conditiilor initiale pentru adoptarea unui regim de tintire directa a inflatiei = Establishing initial conditions in support of inflation targeting»»»
Carare, Alina
Schaechter, Andrea
Stone, Mark R.
Zelmer, Mark
Sustainability disclosure in the EU financial sector»»»
Busch, Danny
The game of trust : reflections on truth and trust in a shifting media ecosystem»»»
Heinecke, Stephanie
The long journey of central bank communication2019»»»
Issing, Otmar
The transposition of the PSD2 in Italy : policies and rules»»»
Iacomini, Constanza
Mezzacapo, Simone
The transposition of the PSD2 into French law»»»
Gratianu, Evelina
Roussille, Myriam
Tintirea directa a inflatiei : o noua strategie de politica monetara : cazul Romaniei»»»
Popa, Cristian, economist, 1964 -
Rosentuler, Surica
Iorga, Elena
Salater, Wilhelm
Sasu, Daniela Ruxandra
Codirlasu, Adrian
Title III "Transparency of conditions and information requirements for payment services", chapter 1 "General rules" (arts 38-42), chapter 2 "Single payment transactions" (arts 43-49), chapter 3 "Framework contracts" (arts 50-58)»»»
Gimigliano, Gabriella
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