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Banking in Japan2012»»»
Uchida, Hirofumi
Udell, Gregory F.
Banking in Japan : a post-global financial crisis perspective»»»
Uchida, Hirofumi
Udell, Gregory F.
Deposit insurance reform: what are the issues and what needs to be fixed?2001»»»
Berlin, Mitchell
Saunders, Anthony
Udell, Gregory F.
Did risk-based capital allocate bank credit and cause a "credit crunch" in the United States?2001»»»
Berger, Allen
Udell, Gregory F.
Principles of money, banking, and financial markets2000»»»
Ritter, Lawrence S.
Silber, William L.
Udell, Gregory F.
Small business credit availability and relationship lending : the importance of bank organisational structure»»»
Berger, Allen
Udell, Gregory F.
- Descriere: Vol. 112, No. 477, February 2002, p. F32-F53
- ISBN: -
The effect of bank capital requirements on bank off-balance sheet financial innovations2001»»»
Jagtiani, Julapa
Saunders, Anthony
Udell, Gregory F.
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