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A long term perspective on the euro»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
James, Harold
A strategy for EMU enlargement2006»»»
Dabrowski, Marek
Adjustment in EMU : a model-based analysis of country experiences2008»»»
Langedijk, Sven
Roeger, Werner
Alternative fiscal policy rules and the stabilization problem in EMU: theory and simulations»»»
Uxo, Jorge
Arroyo, M. Jesus
An American perspective on EMU1997»»»
Volcker, Paul A.
An economic analysis of Monetary Union2001»»»
Carlberg, Michael
Analiza interdependentelor dintre dezvoltarea durabila a Romaniei si a tarilor membre UE in perioada postaderare2007»»»
Albu, Lucian-Liviu
Appointing central bankers : the politics of monetary policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union2003»»»
Chang, Kelly H.
Calea unificarii monetare a Europei2002»»»
Szasz, Andre
Cand finanta submineaza economia si corodeaza democratia2012»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Catct-up, the transition to full participation in EMU and financial stability2008»»»
Begg, Iain
Central banks and supervision with an application to the EMU2010»»»
Vives, Xavier
Challenges faced by the accesion countries : remarks2004»»»
Jarai, Zsigmond
Inotai, Andras
Characteristics of th euro, the demand for reserves, and policy coordination under EMU1997»»»
Masson, Paul
Turtelboom, Bart G.
Commentary : central banks and the financial system»»»
Lagayette, Philippe
Conference on experience with and preparations for the euro, May 10 to 12, 20062006»»»
Nauschnigg, Franz
Schmidt, Paul
Considerations on monetary policy strategies for accession countries2004»»»
Issing, Otmar
Convergenta economica2008»»»
Marinas, Marius-Corneliu
Convergenta nominala si reala a economiei Romaniei in contextul integrarii in Uniunea Economica si Monetara2015»»»
Dumitrescu, Bogdan Andrei
Convergenta reala si convergenta nominala in procesul aderarii Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana : Conferinta tinerilor economisti : (Bucuresti-septembrie 2004)2005»»»
Convergenta si flexibilitate pentru aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Economica si Monetara»»»
Sebea, Mihai
Costs and benefits of Poland's EMU accession : a tentative assessment2004»»»
Borowski, Jakub
Disentangling the Balassa-Samuelson effect in CEC5 countries in the prospect of EMU enlargement2004»»»
Kovacs, Mihaly A.
Dissecting the exceptional case : Malta»»»
Pace, Roderick
Do the new member states fit the optimum-currency-area criteria?2006»»»
Blaszkiewicz-Schwartzman, M.
Wozniak, P.
Does 1992's single financial market promise a single European economy?»»»
Merritt, Giles
Drept bancar : curs universitar2007»»»
Saguna, Dan Drosu
Ratiu, Monica Amalia
Drept comunitar2010»»»
Viziteu, Madalina
Stancu, Radu
Drept comunitar1999»»»
Manolache, Octavian
Drept comunitar [Vol.] 2 - [Vol.] 3»»»
Manolache, Octavian
Drept comunitar [Vol.] 2 Cele patru libertati fundamentale ; Politici comunitare1999»»»
Manolache, Octavian
Dreptul Uniunii Europene2003»»»
Thatham, Allan
Osmochescu, Eugen
Munteanu, Victor
Drumul catre euro este pavat cu bune intentii2012»»»
Perpelea, Mircea
Popescu, Marcel N.
ECB decison-making in an enlarged EMU2006»»»
Paczynski, W.
EMU Enlargement and trade creation2006»»»
Maliszewska, M.
EMU accession issues in Estonia2004»»»
Ross, Marten
Lattemae, Raoul
EMU and European unemployment2001»»»
van Poeck, Andre
Borghijs, Alain
EMU and international capital markets : structural implications and risks1997»»»
Prati, Alessandro
Schinasi, Garry J.
EMU and the euro : ensuring a successful launch1997»»»
Camdessus, Michel
EMU and the international monetary system1997»»»
Masson, Paul
Krueger, Thomas H.
Turtelboom, Bart G.
EMU enlargement and the choice of euro conversion rates2006»»»
Rawdanowicz, L. W.
EMU's decentralized system of fiscal policy»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Wyplosz, Charles
Larch, Martin
Pench, Lucio R.
EMU–integration and differentiation : metaphor for European Union»»»
Snyder, Francis
ERM II : problems for the outs and their relationship with the ins2001»»»
Gibson, Heather D.
Tsakalotos, Euclid
EU enlargement special feature - Part I : The accession countries : what is equal treatment? Peter Kenen and Ellen Meade set out the tests the accession countries are expected to meet to join the European monetary union and argue that these tests should be changed to take account of changed conditions»»»
Kenen, Peter Bain
Meade, Ellen E.
Economia Romaniei dupa Marea Unire2019»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Paun, Nicolae
Economia Romaniei dupa Marea Unire Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Paun, Nicolae
Economia Romaniei dupa Marea Unire Vol. 1 Macroeconomia2019»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Paun, Nicolae
Economia Romaniei dupa Marea Unire Vol. 2 Economia sectoriala2019»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Georgescu, George
Axenciuc, Victor
Pavelescu, Florin-Marius
Ciutacu, Constantin
Economia Romaniei dupa zece ani in cadrul Uniunii Europene»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Anghel, Madalina-Gabriela
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