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"Which way goes Romanian capitalism?" : making a case for reforms, inclusive institutions and a better functioning European Union»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Murgescu, Bogdan
10 ani de la lansarea euro : prefacerile si viitorul monedei in contextul crizei mondiale2010»»»
Voinea, Gheorghe M.
Roman, Angela
Chirlesan, Dan
10 ani de politica monetara unica2010»»»
A VAR description of the effects of monetary policy in the individual countries of the euro area2003»»»
Mojon, Benoit
Peersman, Gert
A brave new world? : the future of banking in emerging Europe : rethinking size, structure, ownership, policies and incentives : Conference co-organized by the Bank of Albania and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), October 11th, 2019 = Nje bote e re e guximshme? : e ardhmja e bankingut ne vendet evropiane ne zhvillim : rikonceptimi i permases, struktures, pronesise, politikave dhe incentivave te tij : Konferenca Vjetore e Bankes se Shqiperise, organizuar ne bashkepunim [...]2019»»»
Sejko, Gent
A macro-stabilization function for the euro area»»»
Cavaco Silva, Anibal
A strategy for EMU enlargement2006»»»
Dabrowski, Marek
A symbol of the European Union : the euro currency2010»»»
Hriscu, Marius
Punga, Cristina
Adaptarea Romaniei la cerintele reformei supervizarii sistemului financiar din Uniunea Europeana»»»
Francu, Marin
After the crisis : reform, recovery, and growth in Europe2016»»»
Caselli, Francesco
Centeno, Mario
Tavares, Jose
Alegerea regimului de politica monetara in tarile aflate in proces de aderare la Uniunea Europeana : intre tintirea directa a inflatiei si consiliul monetar»»»
Salater, Wilhelm
Alexandre Lamfalussy : the wise man of the Euro2013»»»
Lamfalussy, Christophe
Maes, Ivo
Peters, Sabine
Allocating lending of last resort and supervision in the euro area2004»»»
Kahn, Charles M.
Santos, Joao A. C.
An optimality index of the single currency : internal asymmetries within the eurozone since 1999»»»
Castaneda, Juan E.
Schwartz, Pedro
Analiza economiei romanesti prin prisma criteriilor de aderare la zona euro»»»
Barglazan, Diana
Analysing monetary policy transmission at the euro area level using structural macroeconomic models2003»»»
McAdam, P.
Morgan, John
Are the effects of monetary policy in the euro area greater in recessions than in boom?2003»»»
Peersman, Gert
Smets, Frank
Asocierea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana : implicatii economice si comerciale2003»»»
Diaconescu, Mirela
Aspecte procedurale legislative privind moneda unica2010»»»
Tofan, Mihaela
Asset price volatility : new challenges for financial stability in the euro area2010»»»
Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu
Balance of payments issues in Central and Eastern European countries' run-up to Euro area accession2007»»»
Funke, Katja
Banca Centrala Europeana si rolul ei in asigurarea integrarii monetare europene2010»»»
Bugeac, Delia
Bancile centrale, criza si postcriza : Romania si Uniunea Europeana incotro?2018»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Bank notes»»»
Breaking up the euro : the end of a common currency2013»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Budgetary spillovers and long-term interest rates2008»»»
Claeys, Peter
Budgetary spillovers and short-term interest rates2008»»»
Aarle, Bas van
Budgetary stabilisation and the level of public debt2008»»»
Gobbin, Niko
Building the financial foundations of the euro : experiences and challenges2008»»»
Jonung, Lars
Walkner, Christoph
Watson, Max
Business investments and monetary transmission in Belgium2003»»»
Butzen, Paul
Fuss, Chaterine
Vermeulen, Philip
Can Europe get its political act together? Alternative scenarios for the Eurozone William R. White»»»
White, William R.
Capacitatea de functionare a pietei unice versus economia verde»»»
Mihailovici, Gabriela
Capitalismul incotro? : criza economica, mersul ideilor, institutii2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Vranceanu, Radu
Care sunt implicatiile diferitelor regimuri de rata de schimb in perioada post-stabilizare?»»»
Fugaru, Amalia
Central European relations in turbulent times»»»
Farkas, Beata
Central bank independence and the future of the euro2020»»»
Demetriades, Panicos O.
Jones, Erik
Central banking systems compared : the ECB, the pre-euro Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve System2007»»»
Apel, Emmanuel
Central banking, shadow banking, and infrastructural power»»»
Braun, Benjamin
Gabor, Daniela
Challenges and opportunities under conditionality : Portugal»»»
Lisi, Marco
Ramalhete, Vera
Challenges for the next decade of monetary policy implementation2011»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Mercier, Paul
Papadia, Francesco
Wurtz, F.
Changes in ECB monetary policy approach during the crisis»»»
Forte, Antonio
Chronicles : on our troubled times2016»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Ackerman, Seth
Collateral frameworks : the open secret of central banks2017»»»
Nyborg, Kjell G.
Competitive banking in the EU and Euroland2003»»»
Gardener, Edward P. M.
Molyneux, Philip
Williams, Jonathan
Complementary currencies, communities, cooperation: the local job guarantee in the eurozone»»»
Forstater, Mathew
Conclusions : is there a future for the Euro in the global economy?»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Roy, Joaquin
Conference on experience with and preparations for the euro, May 10 to 12, 20062006»»»
Nauschnigg, Franz
Schmidt, Paul
Convergenta economica2008»»»
Marinas, Marius-Corneliu
Convergenta reala - conditie a asigurarii coeziunii economice si sociale dintre tarile Uniunii Europene2010»»»
Dornescu, Valeriu
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