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Stabilitatea sectorului financiar in conditiie aderarii Romaniei la U.E.M.2010»»»
Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu
Strengthening economic convergence in Europe»»»
Sachs, Jeffrey D.
Sui generis EMU»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Thygesen, Niels
Sustainable policy mix in the candidate and potential candidate countries2009»»»
Taxation policy in EMU»»»
Alworth, Julian
Arachi, Giampaolo
Van Ewijk, Casper
Taxation, employment and the Federal Reserve2000»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
Technological and productive systems facing the economic crisis : heterogeneity, convergence and divergence in the European Union»»»
Califano, Andrea
Gabellini, Tommaso
Gasperin, Simone
Teoria integrarii economice europene2001»»»
Prisecaru, Petre
The Asian financial crisis and lessons from CEE economies2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
The BIS and the European monetary experiment»»»
James, Harold
The Czech approach to inflation targeting2001»»»
Hrncir, Miroslav
Smidkova, Katerina
The ECB and the bond market»»»
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
Giavazzi, Francesco
Giannone, Domenico
Lenza, Michele
Reichlin, Lucrezia
The ECB's monetary analysis revisited2010»»»
Berger, Helge
Harjes, Thomas
Stavrev, Emil
The ECB, financial supervision, and financial srability management2010»»»
Schoenmaker, Dirk
The Eastern enlargement of the Eurozone2006»»»
Dabrowski, Marek
Rostowski, Jacek
The Euro and economic reforms : the case of Spain»»»
Royo, Sebastian
The Euro and the dollar in a globalized economy2016»»»
Roy, Joaquin
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
The European Banking Union : a compendium2016»»»
Binder, Jens-Hinrich
Gortsos, Christos V.
The European Central Bank2021»»»
Heine, Michael
Herr, Hansjorg
The European Central Bank : a new power»»»
Hessel, Jeroen
The European Central Bank : the new European leviathan?2005»»»
Howarth, David
Loedel, Peter
The European Central Bank at ten2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Berger, Helge
The European Monetary Union : Europe at the crossroads2020»»»
Acocella, Nicola
The European Union : economics and policies2004»»»
El-Agraa, Ali M.
Chalmers, Damian
Grimwade, Nigel
Mayes, David G.
Begg, Iain
Sauter, Wolf
Curzon Price, Victoria
Ardy, Brian
Button, Kenneth
Martin, Stephen
Marin, Alan
Koester, Ulrich
Ritchie, Ella
Kilponen, Juha
Armstrong, Harvey
Collins, Doreen
Salais, Robert
Brulhart, Marius
Matthews, Alan
The Eurosystem, the Union and beyond : the single currency and implications for governance : an ECB colloquium held in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, 27 April 20052005»»»
The Eurozone crisis and the future of Europe : the political economy of further integration and governance2014»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Basevi, Giorgio
D'Adda, Carlo
Kumar, Rajeesh
The Latin Monetary Union revisited once again»»»
De Cecco, Marcello
The Monetary Union: The Decade Ahead. The Case of Non-Member States2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Lungu, Laurian
The Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank2017»»»
Obst, Sylvia
Weidmann, Jens
The OCA theory and the path to EMU»»»
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
The Polish banking sector and EU regulations2001»»»
Rackzo, Andrej
The Portuguese economy in the Irish mirror, 1960-20042010»»»
Lains, Pedro
The Portuguese economy in the context of economic, financial and monetary integration2009»»»
The Scandinavian Monetary Union : 1873-1924»»»
Jonung, Lars
The analysis of the Spanish economy : [data, instruments and procedures]2006»»»
The bank-lending channel of monetary policy : identification and estimation using Portugese micro bank data2003»»»
Farina, Luisa
Robalo Marques, Carlos
The birth of the euro2008»»»
Issing, Otmar
Hulbert, Nigel
The case for monetary union in Mercosur2004»»»
Fratianni, Michele
The case of France»»»
Nivoix, Sophie
Rey, Serge
The challenge of economic rebalancing in Europe : perspectives for CESEE countries2015»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
Schuberth, Helene
The changing fortunes of central banking2018»»»
Hartmann, Philipp
Huang, Haizhou
Schoenmaker, Dirk
The choice of exchange rate regime1996»»»
Latter, Tony
The communication policy of the European Central Bank : an overview of the first decade2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Jansen, David-Jan
The compatibility between monetary and fiscal policies in EMU ; a perspective from the fiscal theory of the price level2003»»»
Wren Lewis, Simon
The costs and benefits of an early EMU participation for Hungary2003»»»
Hamecz, Istvan
Horvath, Agnes
The credit mechanics of monetary unions : a review of the Eurosystem»»»
Decker, Frank
The cross-sectional and the time dimension of the bank-lending channel : the Austrian case2003»»»
Kaufmann, Sylvia
The currency board regime in Bulgaria and its sustainability2001»»»
Houbenova, Tatiana
The dangers of inflexibility : there is a fundamental clash of logics at the centre of the debate on accession : despite legal considerations, different countries in different economic circumstances require a flexible approach, argues Charles Wyplosz»»»
Wyplosz, Charles
The design of the Eurosystem's monetary policy instruments2007»»»
Neyer, Ulrike
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