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Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
The Economist numbers guide : the essentials of business numeracy2003»»»
The European Central Bank and the financing conditions of small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe»»»
Belke, Ansgar
Verheyen, Florian
The Inter-American Development Bank»»»
Arnold, Elting
The United States and the developing nations»»»
Garner, Robert L.
The background for investment in Western Europe in the sixties»»»
Uri, Pierre
The banking system of South Africa»»»
Arndt, E. H. D.
Richards, C. S.
The burden of external debt : an obstacle to development»»»
de Olloqui, Jose Juan
The case for one hundred percent ownership in foreign investments»»»
Sundelson, J. W.
The debt of the developing countries : causes and trends»»»
Osorio-Tafall, Bibiano F.
The double dividend of emissions taxes : greenhouse gas reductions and revenue»»»
Cooper, Richard Newell
The interest rate policy of the IBRD and the structure of debts»»»
Carriere, Jean
The investment banking background of issuing and marketing foreign securities in the United States»»»
Samuels, Nathaniel
The lack of viable projects and the way of financing them»»»
De Witt, Y. B.
The law of multi-bank financing : syndicated loans and the secondary loan market2007»»»
Mugasha, Agasha
The management of government debt1996»»»
Gray, Simon
The monetary background of international financing»»»
Jacobsson, Per
The politics of public debt financialisation : (re)inventing the market for French sovereign bonds and shaping the public debt problem : (1966-2012)»»»
Lemoine, Benjamin
The private sources of export financing»»»
Hollos, Paul E.
The relative importance of oil surpluses and possible energy stock financing for developing countries»»»
Basak, Aroon K.
The restructuring of banks and financial systems in the euro area and the financing of SMEs2015»»»
Calciano, Filippo Luca
Fiordelisi, Franco
Scarano, Giovanni
The role and the financing of the transfer of technology»»»
Currie, Lauchlin
The role of OPEC resources in development financing»»»
Shihata, Ibrahim F. I.
The role of export credits, guaranties and insurance in international trade»»»
Surrey, Walter S.
Goekjian, Samuel V.
The role of financial corporations in the financial system»»»
Hertkorn, Andreas
Matas-Mir, Antonio
Quiros, Gabriel
Cadete de Matos, Joao
Lima, Filipa
The role of private enterprise in the Alliance for Progress»»»
Moscoso, Teodoro
The role of regional banks in development financing : the case of the IDB»»»
Morales, Cecilio J.
The role of the World Bank Group in international development financing»»»
Carriere, Jean
The spread of new wheat varieties in India»»»
De, Rajat
The transmission mechanism of monetary policy in emerging market economies : an overview»»»
Kamin, Steven B.
Turner, Philip
Dack, Jozef Van't
The twilight of the gold exchange standard»»»
Triffin, Robert
Tipologii ale finantarii intr-o economie globalizata2007»»»
Burtea, Alexandru
Tipuri de surse de finantare. Institutii si organisame finantatoare»»»
Stefea, Petru
- Descriere: p. 1-39
- ISBN: -
Trade finance. Finantarea comertului2002»»»
Mihai, Ilie
Mihai, Tiberiu Ionut
Traditie si anduranta»»»
Alexoiu, Georgeta Alina
Transnational corporations and the new international economic order»»»
Franges, Bozidar
UNDP in international financing of development programmes»»»
Renart, Jaime
Uber einige grundsatzliche Fragen der desutschen Kriegswirtschaft und Kriegsfinanzierung»»»
Jecht, Horst
UiPath, cel mai valoros start-up de IT pornit din Romania ia o finantare record inaintea listarii la Bursa : 750 milioane dolari la o evaluare de 35 miliarde dolari»»»
Seceleanu, Adrian
Un deceniu cat un secol : secolul lumii emergente2014»»»
Dobrescu, Paul
Un ghid al sistemului bancar elaborat pentru Asociatia Romana a Bancilor1996»»»
Unele consideratii cu privire la planificarea, finantarea si controlul realizarii obiectivelor de cercetare stiintifica, dezvoltare tehnologica si introducerea progresului tehnic»»»
Brezan, Nicolae
Unele probleme in legatura cu finantarea S.M.T. si a centrelor mecanice»»»
Ciobanu, V.
Paraschiv, Vasile
- Descriere: An 2, nr. 8, Aug 1956, p. 78-79
- ISBN: -
Unele probleme privind finantarea si metodologia de caluclare a petului de cost in S.M.T.»»»
Ciobanu, Vasile
- Descriere: An 10, nr. 3, Mar 1964, p. 37-49
- ISBN: -
Unele probleme referitoare la finantarea cresterii si prelevarea prisosului de mijloace circulante»»»
Ispasoiu, E.
- Descriere: An 2, nr. 7, Iul 1956, p. 71-72
- ISBN: -
Unele rezultate ale aplicarii noului sistem de finantare a turmei de baza in gospodariile agricole de stat»»»
Dimitriu, Emil
- Descriere: An 9, nr. 1, Ian 1963, p. 85-96
- ISBN: -
Unele rezultate ale aplicarii tehnicii imbunatatite de finantare, creditare si decontari»»»
Troaca, I
- Descriere: An 6, nr. 1, Ian 1960, p. 78-86
- ISBN: -
Uniunea Europeana : politicile extinderii2006»»»
Barbulescu, Iordan Gheorghe
Using mutual funds to foster local capital markets»»»
Aldrich, Richard S.
V. M. Buzarev : "Lucrarile de reconstructie si finantarea lor" Editura financiara de Stat, Moscova, 1945, 118 p. : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
V. P. Maslacov, N. L. Filatov, V. V. Barmin : "Finantarea gospodariei de locuinte si comunale". ("Gosfinizdat", Moscova, 1948, 202 pagini) : [semnalare bibliografica]»»»
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